Is that a different rule than GDs then?
My GD's wrestling has increased well past 100 after I tamed it.
This may be true for Hiryu's but its not true for Greater Dragons.As stated already, the absolute max is 108, if that high immediately after taming (from 120 pretame). Any pretame score btween 119.9 and 110 will also lead to a max above 100 - 10% less than the pretame skill. Any less than 110 pre-tame, the maximum after training will be 100.
It's been this way for years
Greaters will lose 25% (not sure of exact % but this sticks in my head for some reason) upon tame. they can retrain up to 10% of pre-tame stats. Hundreds of greaters later I have not seen any change to say otherwiseThis may be true for Hiryu's but its not true for Greater Dragons.