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[Discussion] Master Easter Egg List? Lets make this a start



I have these Eggs on Chesapeake, i would like to know what other shards have and if im missing many on here.
these were dropped by the easter bunny
A Smelly Egg
A Rotten Egg
A Spoiled Egg
A Chocolate Easter Egg
A Half Eaten Chocolate Easter Egg
A Special Egg
A Cracked Egg
A Pickled Egg
A Pickeled Egg
A Golden Easter Egg
Happy Easter
A White Chocolate Egg (dont have this one and am lookin for it)
A Golden Egg
A Greedy Egg
These ones spawned for a short time in the fields of brit after the mini event and not that many spawned
A Shiny Egg
A Prized Egg
A Brightly Colored Egg

i would like to make a sticky for this maybe, or people who have a nice collection or have seen them please post what ya have/ have seen


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I and my BF collected on Sonoma (1 a great friend gave us) in order by pic:

Chocolate Egg 2009
Here Comes Peter Rabbit Sonoma 2009
Easter Egg 2009
Decorated Easter Egg Sonoma 2009
A Chocolate Egg Wrapped In Gold Foil The Easter Bunny 2009
Happy Easter Day Sonoma 2009
Strawberry Cream Egg Sonoma 2009
A Gold Wrapped Easter Egg Stolen From The Easter Bunny 2009
Deviled Egg
Marshmallow Egg 2009
Rotting Egg
Happy Easter Egg Day Sonoma 2009
A Bad Egg 2009
Happy Easter Egg Day Sonoma 2009
Happy Easter Egg Day Sonoma 2009
Happy Easter Egg Day Sonoma 2009



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
here is a list for baja

A Brightly Colored Easter Egg
A Plainly Colored Easter Egg (not sure on exact wording)
"Looks like Trubo's Robe Color Doesn't It?" Colored Easter Egg
A Seppo Egg (Warning: May Contain a Seppo) (According to Seppo, there were approximately 20 dropped)
A Hypnotic Easter Egg (According to Seppo, there was one per round. 6-8 on shard)
William's Delight: A Milk Chocolate Easter Egg
Pallando Red Easter Egg
Smoke Colored Easter Egg
Orange Easter Egg
Jasmine Scented White Chocolate Egg (According to Seppo, there were 11 dropped)
Kemer's Delight: A Caramel Chocolate Easter Egg
Kemer's Tears (not sure on exact wording)
Baja 2009 Easter Egg (not sure on exact wording)
Golden Brew Premium Chocolate Egg
"It's Not Pink, It's Light Red!" Easter Egg (not sure on exact wording)
"It's Whatever Color You Want It To Be" Easter Egg (not sure on exact wording)
Lady Nystad's Pick: Mocha Flavored Chocolate Egg
A Delicious Truffle Egg (According to Seppo, approximately 30 were dropped)
Super Hot Pink Easter Egg
An Intricately Designed Chocolate Egg.. Brimming with Amaretto
A Dark Chocolate Easter Egg.. It Smells Wrong


Aww we didnt get any speckled eggs on our shard that i know of


Only ones I saw/have on Great Lakes are as follows:

The purple/pink eggs denote the hunt was in Tram. All say the same thing, no fun names or titles :thumbdown:



On Atlantic I found 2.

A yellow one labeled
A Fondant-Filled Easter Egg Wrapped In Brightly Coloured Foil

A pink one labeled
A 42% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Easter Egg With An Added Hint Of Orange And Filled With Almonds

So I guess each shard got something different.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a great thread. I was hoping somone would start it. Once I have enough information I will move the list to the top under the 7th season :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For LS, I also have the approximate numbers for how many of each were dropped:

15 each of happy easter eggs to the 4 factions (I forget the exact wording of them and don't have any)

12 each of "Chocolate Egg" and "Chocolate Egg with Marshmallow Filling"

12 EM branded eggs (EMs Quantum and Autolycus wish Lake Superior a Happy Easter!)

12 "Rotten Egg"... these and the faction eggs were mostly dropped only in Fel.

10 rare colored eggs (various odd unused scrambled colors that make them ugly speckled neons), 2 of each special color, 3 of them named "a jeweled egg", the rest "Hapy Easter Lake Superior, 2009"; from the final "egg hunt" event.

A bunch more eggs called ""Hapy Easter Lake Superior, 2009" in assorted colors.

Maybe other types I don't know about.

And about 120 eggs were dropped total. My numbers are all approximate, but official... i'm sure for the various egg types across the shards the numbers are similar.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I remember correctly, the Easter Bunny on Origin said approximately 500 were dropped there.

From the information I gathered on Lake Austin, there were 500 or so there, as well. I did not get that number from the EM though. I got it from Lake Austin's news report mentioning the number 400 and the late night hunt where the Easter Bunny said they had about 100 more they would be dropping within that hour.

I'll try to remember to ask Lake Austin's EMs about the numbers, the next time I see them.


Here is a list of the names of the eggs we have from Lake Austin:

Happy Easter 2009 [Lake Austin]
Happy Easter 2009! [Lake Austin] (this one is black with tan and dark blue speckles)
Ruby Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Emerald Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Happy Easter [EM Sarthus & EM Dexter Lake Austin 2009]
Happy Easter 2009 [Lake Ausin- EM Sarthus & EM Dexter]
Happy Easter 2009, Lake Austin! [From EM Sarthus & EM Dexter]
Handpainted Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Hand Painted Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Rotten Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Chocolate Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Cheesecake Egg [Lake Austin 2009]


From Lake Superior:
Century Egg


Happy Easter Origin 2009 (this one is black with pink speckles)
Chocolate Creme Egg 2009
A Decorated Egg Origin 2009
A Magical Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Paragon Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Hand-Painted Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Polka Dotted Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Royal Britannian Easter Egg : Origin 2009


Easter Hunt 2009, Baja (this one is black with bright green speckles)




Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On Atlantic, some were given out through the day in addition to the ones in the actual hunt - i have no clue on numbers. I do know that there are some rare (glowy or speckeled) ones that as far as i can tell are one of i kind on the shard. Here are ones that I can account for...

An Easter Egg Crafted Out Of Solidified Dulce De Leche
A Milk Chocolate Egg Filled With Creamy Dulce De Leche
A Fondant-Filled Easter Egg Wrapped In Brightly Colored Foil
A Creamy White Chocolate Easter Egg, Wrapped In Bright Foil To Hide How Delicious It Will Be
A Beautifully Wrapped Marbled Egg, With White Milk and Chocolate Milk Swirled Together
A 42% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Easter Egg With An Added Hint Of Orange And Filled With Almonds
A Handpainted Wooden Easter Egg
A Foil-Wrapped Easter Egg With A Compacted Mixture Of Carrots, Cream Cheese And Cake
A Hard Candy Easter Egg, Fiilled With Bunny Shaped Pastel Pieces
Corastine Evanir Wishes You A Virtue Filled Easter, With A Fondant Filled Easter Egg
A Brightly Wrapped Egg With Happy Easter From Kanmare and Vytecca In Caligraphy On The Foil
The Easter Bunny Laid This Egg For You :) No..You Dont Want To Know The Technical Details
Barra Linath, Drow Assasin. Wishes You A Happy Easter.. Poison Isnt Usually Her Style.. Tempting
An Easter Egg Soaked In Some Of Kaden Marsten's Favourite Ale

A Rich Dark Chocolate Easter Egg Studded With Strawberry Chips ****
*** This egg is black with magenta speckles****


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy Easter 2009 (Napa Valley)

* * * * *

My initial collection of 16:

1 Light Pink
2 Dark Pink
2 Peach
1 Lemon-Lime
2 Dark Blue
5 Light Purple
3 Dark Purple

* * * * *

My current collection of 13:

1 Light Pink
2 Dark Pink
2 Peach
1 Lemon-Lime
1 Pale Green
2 Dark Blue
1 Light Purple
2 Dark Purple
1 Black Speckled


On Pacific:

I got 14 eggs, with 9 different names...
Here's what I got:
3 Mis-Dyed
2 Shiny
1 Lord British Castle
3 Brilliant
1 Pastel
1 Slippery
1 Broken
1 Rotten
1 Easter Egg Lovingly Decorated By Omo Trovi


forgot to add that the majority of the eggs dropped just said "A Easter Egg" with no special name, not sure if it was the same way on other shards. so i would say 1 in 10 of the eggs dropped all day were named (loose guestimation, but the eggs that were in cities never had a name, only some of the ones that the actual bunny running threw luna dropped were named)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pacific shard, I got 9 eggs:
Pure Black w/ Neon Green Speckles "Rotten Egg"
Orange "Crushed Egg"
Purple "Eyesore of an Easter Egg"
2-Orange "ROC Egg"
Pink "Magical Easter Egg"
Seafoam Green "Slippery Ester Egg"
Dark Gray "Smelly Egg"
Dark Purple "Autographed Specially By Easter Bunny (Pacific 2009)"


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pacific. Added pic as requested. Blaze is on table near cocoon and whit is in baskets with others.
1- Blaze with red dots (Smelly Egg) handed to me by EM for being the first to find him in Brit Cemetary.
2- Pure White (Fake Fabrege Easter Egg) I traded for this one ).
3-(Highly Polished Easter Egg)
4-(Special Lord British Castle Easter Egg)
5-(Crushed Egg)
6-(Mysterious Easter Egg)
7-(Autographed Specially By Easter Bunny! [Pacific 2009])
8-(An Orcish Easter Egg)
9-(A Magical Easter Egg)
10-(Smelly Egg)
11-(An Engraved Easter Egg: Pacific 2009)
12-(Easter Egg Lovingly Decorated By Omo Trovi)


Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

it's not worthless, it's actually quite helpful, but i would love to see more pics posted, especially of the rare speckled/sparkly eggs :D

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

A strawberry coated easter egg
A peanut butter coated easter egg


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wish Chesapeake's eggs had the shard and year listed like the others have.....


Lake Austin also has:

Mystic Easter Egg By The Wanderer [Lake Austin 2009]

Sara Of Baja

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I remember correctly, the Easter Bunny on Origin said approximately 500 were dropped there.

Happy Easter Origin 2009 (this one is black with pink speckles)
Chocolate Creme Egg 2009
A Decorated Egg Origin 2009
A Magical Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Paragon Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Hand-Painted Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Polka Dotted Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Royal Britannian Easter Egg : Origin 2009


Here's a list of eggs that had been compiled on the Origin Forum:

1. A Decorated Egg : Origin 2009
2. A Hand-Painted Easter Egg : Origin 2009
3. A Magical Easter Egg : Origin 2009
4. A Paragon Easter Egg : Origin 2009
5. A Perfect Easter Egg : Origin 2009
6. A Royal Britannian Easter Egg : Origin 2009
7. Chocolate Creme Egg 2009
8. Hand Painted Easter Egg : Origin 2009
9. Happy Easter Origin 2009
10. Super Sparkle Easter Egg : Origin 2009
11. The Best Easter Egg Ever : Origin 2009

Crystal Rose

White Chocolate "Lets Be Impulsive" egg comming up in Rares Auction on June 27th. See Posts on Stratics Rares Forum as well as UOForums Rares Forum.

Place: Pacific Auction House [PAH]
Time: Noon PST (3pm EST)
Date: June 27th, 2010



Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

First Row, left to right:
1 Happy Easter Origin 2009 (crazy multi-color)
2 Happy Easter 2009! [Lake Austin] (black w/ one teal speck)
3 Special Lord British Castle Easter Egg
4 Golden Brew Premium Chocolate Egg
5 A Chocolate Easter Egg Wrapped In Bright Foil
6 A 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Easter Egg Filled With Strawberry Fondant
7 A Handpainted Wooden Easter Egg
8 Chocolate Creme Egg 2009

Second Row, left to right:
1 A Cracked Easter Egg, Drained Of All Brightness
2 The Easter Bunny Laid This Egg Especially For You : ) No..you Don't Want To Know Technical Details
3 An Orcish Easter Egg
4 A Rotten Egg
5 A Smelly Egg
6 A Cracked Egg
7 A Paragon Easter Egg: Origin 2009
8 A Cracked Egg Found On Europa - 2009

Third Row, left to right:
1 Happy Easter 2009! [Lake Austin]
2 Happy Easter 2009! [Lake Austin]
3 Frohe Ostern Drachenfels Happy Easter 2009
4 Great Lakes 2009 Easter Egg
5 Easter Egg "Happy Easter 2009 From Catskills"

This last one is my favorite and I've not seen another (I'm fairly sure it's not unique though)... after doing some googling I found out some neat info.... Searching for Kashiwa Egg, there was a link to a Japanese player's blog which explained that the eggs were presented thru a quest where there was an NPC named "Kashiwa the Elite Ninja" and that there were 5 eggs given out. Eventually you were led to a building were there were barrels of food and the eggs were hidden in these barrels.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
White Chocolate "Lets Be Impulsive" egg comming up in Rares Auction on June 27th. See Posts on Stratics Rares Forum as well as UOForums Rares Forum.

Place: Pacific Auction House [PAH]
Time: Noon PST (3pm EST)
Date: June 27th, 2010

Are there not 1000s of these out there that were given in the "throbbing heart" boxes when we logged in at this year's Valentine's Day?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yup sounds exactly like what your saying Slick. Think someone might be trying to pass it off as a rare.


manticore has composed this list and as fair as i can tell this is the best all my 107 eggs are on it

2009 Easter Egg List Per Shard

A Fondant-Filled Easter Egg Wrapped In Brightly Colored Foil
A 42% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Easter Egg With An Added Hint Of Orange And Filled With Almonds
A 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Easter Egg with Strawberry Filling
A Delicate Sugar Shell Easter Egg Filled with Peanut Butter Cream
A Chocolate Easter Egg Wrapped in Bright Foil
An Easter Egg Crafted Out Of Solidified Dulce De Leche
A solidified dulce de leche easter egg
A Milk Chocolate Egg Filled With Creamy Dulce De Leche
A Fondant-Filled Easter Egg Wrapped In Brightly Colored Foil
A Creamy White Chocolate Easter Egg, Wrapped In Bright Foil To Hide How Delicious It Will Be
A Beautifully Wrapped Marbled Egg, With White Milk and Chocolate Milk Swirled Together
A Handpainted Wooden Easter Egg
A Foil-Wrapped Easter Egg With A Compacted Mixture Of Carrots, Cream Cheese And Cake
A Hard Candy Easter Egg, Fiilled With Bunny Shaped Pastel Pieces
Corastine Evanir Wishes You A Virtue Filled Easter, With A Fondant Filled Easter Egg
A Brightly Wrapped Egg With Happy Easter From Kanmare and Vytecca In Caligraphy On The Foil
The Easter Bunny Laid This Egg For You No..You Dont Want To Know The Technical Details
Barra Linath, Drow Assasin. Wishes You A Happy Easter.. Poison Isnt Usually Her Style.. Tempting
An Easter Egg Soaked In Some Of Kaden Marsten's Favourite Ale
A Rich Dark Chocolate Easter Egg Studded With Strawberry Chips
A strawberry coated easter egg
A peanut butter coated easter egg
White Chocolate with lemon mousse
A chocolate egg with a fondant filling easter egg
A cracked easter egg, drained of all brightness
An old dirty egg
An easter egg
A easter egg with a cream filling
A Lemon coated easter egg
A Pineapple coated easter egg
A Orange coated easter egg
A Strawberry coated easter egg
A Raspberry coated easter egg
A Lime coated easter egg
A Curiously Decorated Easter Egg
A Creamy Chocolate Easter Egg
Sigil Colored Egg "An Exceedingly Elegant Easter Egg Painted By Amelia Varaeli'n"

A Brightly Colored Easter Egg
A Plainly Colored Easter Egg (not sure on exact wording)
"Looks like Trubo's Robe Color Doesn't It?" Colored Easter Egg
A Seppo Egg (Warning: May Contain a Seppo) (20)
A Hypnotic Easter Egg (8)
William's Delight: A Milk Chocolate Easter Egg
Pallando Red Easter Egg
Smoke Colored Easter Egg
Orange Easter Egg
Jasmine Scented White Chocolate Egg (11)
Kemer's Delight: A Caramel Chocolate Easter Egg
Kemer's Tears
Baja 2009 Easter Egg
Golden Brew Premium Chocolate Egg
"It's Not Pink, It's Light Red!" Easter Egg
"It's Whatever Color You Want It To Be" Easter Egg
Lady Nystad's Pick: Mocha Flavored Chocolate Egg
A Delicious Truffle Egg (30)
Super Hot Pink Easter Egg
An Intricately Designed Chocolate Egg.. Brimming with Amaretto
A Dark Chocolate Easter Egg.. It Smells Wrong

Easter Egg "Happy Easter 2009 from catskills"
Easter Egg " Happy Easter Catskills 2009"

A Smelly Egg
A Rotten Egg
A Spoiled Egg
A Chocolate Easter Egg
A Half Eaten Chocolate Easter Egg
A Special Egg
A Cracked Egg
A Pickled Egg
A Pickeled Egg
A Golden Easter Egg
A Happy Easter Egg
A White Chocolate Egg
A Golden Egg
A Greedy Egg
A Shiny Egg
A Prized Egg
A Brightly Colored Egg

Drachenfels Easter Egg
Frohe Ostern! Easter Egg
Ein Osterei Easter Egg
Drachenfels Osterei Easter Egg
Frohe Ostern Drachenfels Happy Easter 2009

A chocolate egg found on Europa-2009
A cracked egg found on Europa-2009
The Easter Bunny was here Europa-2009
Spring is in the air. easter is here! Europa-2009
A Brightly Coloured Egg Found On Europa - 2009
With Love... From The Easter Bunny. Europa - 2009

Great Lakes:
Great Lakes 2009 easter egg

Lake Austin:
Happy Easter 2009 [Lake Austin]
Ruby Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Emerald Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Happy Easter [EM Sarthus & EM Dexter Lake Austin 2009]
Happy Easter 2009 [Lake Ausin- EM Sarthus & EM Dexter]
Happy Easter 2009, Lake Austin! [From EM Sarthus & EM Dexter]
Handpainted Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Hand Painted Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Rotten Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Chocolate Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Cheesecake Egg [Lake Austin 2009]
Mystic Easter Egg By The Wanderer [Lake Austin 2009]

Lake Superior
Happy Easter Eggs to the 4 factions
Chocolate Egg
Chocolate Egg with Marshmallow Filling
Happy Easter! From EM Quantum
Happy Easter! From EM Autolycus
Rotten Egg
A Jeweled Egg
Happer Easter Lake Superior, 2009
Century Egg

Happy Easter 2009 [Legends] Easter Eggs

Napa Valley:
Happy Easter 2009 (Napa Valley)

Easter Down Under, 2009
Have A Hopping Mad Easter Oceania, 2009
Happy Easter Oceania, 2009

Happy Easter Origin 2009
Chocolate Cream Egg 2009
A Decorated Egg : Origin 2009
A Hand-Painted Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Magical Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Paragon Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Perfect Easter Egg : Origin 2009
A Royal Britannian Easter Egg : Origin 2009
Chocolate Creme Egg 2009
Hand Painted Easter Egg : Origin 2009
Happy Easter Origin 2009
Super Sparkle Easter Egg : Origin 2009
The Best Easter Egg Ever : Origin 2009
Easter Egg of Doom: Origin 2009
Cracked Easter Egg : Origin 2009
Rotten Easter Egg: Origin 2009
A polka dotted Easter Egg : Origin 2009

Mis-Dyed Easter Egg
Shiny Easter Egg
Lord British Castle Easter Egg
Brilliant Easter Egg
Pastel Easter Egg
Slippery Easter Egg
Broken Easter Egg
Rotten Easter Egg
Easter Egg Lovingly Decorated By Omo Trovi
Pure Black w/ Neon Green Speckles "Rotten Egg"
Orange "Crushed Egg"
Purple "Eyesore of an Easter Egg"
Orange "ROC Egg"
Pink "Magical Easter Egg"
Seafoam Green "Slippery Ester Egg"
Dark Gray "Smelly Egg"
Dark Purple "Autographed Specially By Easter Bunny (Pacific 2009)"
Luna White (Fake Fabrege Easter Egg)
Highly Polished Easter Egg
Special Lord British Castle Easter Egg
Crushed Egg
Mysterious Easter Egg
Autographed Specially By Easter Bunny! [Pacific 2009]
An Orcish Easter Egg
A Magical Easter Egg
Smelly Egg
An Engraved Easter Egg: Pacific 2009
An Odd Easter Egg Painted by EM Lillimu
Roc Easter Egg
Pastel Easter Egg
Elf Decorated Easter Egg
Sickly Egg
Fake Fabrege Egg (Ice White)

Siege Perilous:

Chocolate Egg 2009
Here Comes Peter Rabbit Sonoma 2009
Easter Egg 2009
Hippity Hoppitty Happy Easter Egg Sonoma 2009
White Chocolate Easter Eggs Sonoma 2009
Decorated Easter Egg Sonoma 2009
A Chocolate Egg Wrapped In Gold Foil The Easter Bunny 2009
Happy Easter Day Sonoma 2009
Strawberry Cream Egg Sonoma 2009
A Gold Wrapped Easter Egg Stolen From The Easter Bunny 2009
Deviled Egg
Marshmallow Egg 2009
Rotting Egg Sonoma 2009
Happy Easter Egg Day Sonoma 2009
A Bad Egg 2009
Corrupted Easter Egg Sonoma 2009

Crystal Rose

You guyes are soooo right. Sorry about that. It was in a friend's box of rares. I do believe it was an honest mistake on her part tho. Taking it out and eating it now.

Thx for the heads up!

It's been replaced with "A Badly Damaged Scroll That Reads: Se..ret Entr..nce ... Zen..o's Tre..sury"



Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The point of this WASN'T that Manticore didn't have the list that you copied and pasted here. We ALL know it's there and use it. As Manti said above, this will be a great way for ppl to list what THEY have in their collections to see if any were left out, and also to trace, possibly, what shard the eggs originally came from since so many people move items around!

Maybe you could just list the eggs YOU have instead of copying info from a list that is already used by all of us?

I know I'd like to know which ones, specifically, you have in your collection and where you got them....