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many thanks 5oclock



:popcorn: of all stratics, posters, I should have known you would find my obscure plea for in game twinkees, we have most of the ing already, sugarvanilla and banna's yes the creame filling is from the yellow tropical fruit, history channel had it on american eats for the curious:stir:

five oclock

you don't ,mess with the twinkees!!! :D for they do expire....just takes a long time..the thing that gets me is this..NO ONE else knew this?? I mean come on now...Don't most of us get away from the computer? Go to a movie or something? Even if its zombies..and woody.... :D

Btw Great movie..and I DO HOPE thy devs do put something in...for us cooks ;D


not to ruin, the movie, but as 5oclock said don't mess with the twinkiees 3 quarters of the way thru the movie, poor hapless columbus almost buys the farm for the crime of hurting them, it's afunny movie many jokes abound throughout :)