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[Selling] Malas 18x18 way North West of Luna..neat attraction!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
House is located due North West above the Luna bank. Has a really cool guild memorial right in front of the house. Use the pedestal for easy access to and from Luna :) Perfect for a trammel based guild, lots of extra room.

Vampire Marius has a really neat trick he does to you when he is double clicked..muhaha.

Don't worry about this sign, pets can go past the location. It's just for yard deco.

The house spot is not suitable for the gambler!Or is it?...

Oh and did I mention the dice works?

The pedestal will plop you on the red brick path! *I thought it would be yellow!*

Simply click on the statue to get back to the house!

I am accepting offers that may be posted or ICQed.
