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[Auction] Majestic Oaks Live Auctions

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Majestic Oaks Auction has been running live auction on Great Lakes for over 10 years every week. They have the same crew in tact as the last Great Lakes Rare's Festival 3 years ago. I personally remember attending back in the day before there were vendors if you can imagine that.

Items currently up for auction are listed here:
Majestic Oaks Auction House - Items for Next Great Lakes Auction

Schedule is as follows
Thursday May 3rd 9pm EST / 8pm CDT / 7pm MDT / 6pm PST / 2am GMT / 11am TST
Saturday May 5th 7pm EST / 6pm CDT /5pm MDT / 4pm PST / 12am GMT / 9am TST
Sunday May 6th 2pm EST / 1pm CDT / 12pm MDT / 11am PST / 7pm GMT / 4am TST

For more information read this thread
Rares fest? | Stratics Forums

Please tell your friends, mass message ICQ, open gates, and drop books.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Please post here if you'll be attending. Should be a lot of good deals on rares.


Stratics Veteran
First off, i would just like to say how much i love the MOA auctions. I have been going to the auctions for years. The time and effort you put in to these, i mean you just do not get enough credit.

I would suggest though that with so many items being put up that are of the "rares" status that some of the high end items be put in for the private auction or vendors. There are numerous items that are at the starting ( or above) of vendor pricing and/or silent auction bidding. I just know that MOA tries so hard to keep the auction under a certain time frame that i see some of these items might be hindering that time process. This is not a gripe but just a suggestion in trying to make this week go as smoothly and easily as possible for MOA.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just saw the list and its pretty nice. I like the fact that it has a lot of older event items. You just don't see them in circulations these days.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First off, i would just like to say how much i love the MOA auctions. I have been going to the auctions for years. The time and effort you put in to these, i mean you just do not get enough credit.

I would suggest though that with so many items being put up that are of the "rares" status that some of the high end items be put in for the private auction or vendors. There are numerous items that are at the starting ( or above) of vendor pricing and/or silent auction bidding. I just know that MOA tries so hard to keep the auction under a certain time frame that i see some of these items might be hindering that time process. This is not a gripe but just a suggestion in trying to make this week go as smoothly and easily as possible for MOA.

I appreciate the thought, we have dedicated a lot of effort to this, and I have poured a lot into trying to make this runs smoothly. I too have my concerns about time, the list is expansive. I am guessing there maybe a straggler here and there hoping friday to submit for weekend auctions.

Thanks for the vote of confidence and pat on the back, right now it's a welcome bit of encouragement. I will be reviewing the list and attempt to find a fair solution to getting everything adequate time.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Auction starts tonight by the Buc's Den Portal outside of Vesper in 55 Minutes. Quoting Tanda here:

"Thursday May 3rd 8 p.m. CDT live auction Majestic Oaks Auction outside Vesper (Buc's Den portal) we have a gater stationed in Luna each auction night. Auction staff will be: *Pratt, *DJ Scorp, *Logan, *Emerald Ice, *Princess Melody, *Illyana Strange, *Melian, Elecktra and Chelle (* all worked last Great Lakes Rares Fest and are Co-Owners. Pratt, DJ Scorp, Emerald Ice and Melian are Managers) There will be an auctioneer, broker and 2 cashier in the pit, one gater on duty which will rotate staffers. MOST payments will likely be done via vendors inside the pit because of the convenience of auditing and verifying payments. Closing auctions: the cashier/s will audit and verify with lot number all items sold, prep payments to sellers, update our data base so this process may take a little time. Payments can be made to your vendor if you have one, upon request and proper verification."


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love having DJ Scorp be so goddamn rude.

I was on Nille, and godforbid I try to correct them when they say a rare "Could be one of a kind". That matters ALOT in the rares community, and I get a rude response back. And im told to not be negative about items?

Complete BS

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Items in list will NOT be done in the exact list order here, that detail is the broker's to work out.

Each cashier will have 2 vendors for payments, items sold will rotate between the two to allow time to verify payment, and transfer the item. All items are logged into our data base NO "specials" last minute items will be accepted during these auctions. Cashiers will be updating the site with each nights sales, no sales anTHEN payouts will begin to sellers. IF you wish a vendor to store gold OFF the temporary Rare's fest grounds and DO NOT reside on GL, I (Melian) can set up a vendor at my castle to allow you time to transfer home (should the need arise). Mesanna has given a few days grace before the park is destroyed.

Orange are Thursday May 3rd- closing game will be runes to riches
Blue is Saturday Night May 5th- closing game will be mysterious boxes
Black is Sunday May 6th- closing game will be a Mystery Chest

111 Rubble moss - 500k
112 Head of Nakor CAN NOT BE LOCKED DOWN - 5k
113 Eternal Guardian Staff - 50k
114 Whispering Rose from Mari Ja Wana - 10 mil
115 Whispering Rose from Your Love - 10 mil
116 An Interior House Door Key - 1 mil
117 Ruined Painting - 65 mil
118 Web of Inevitability [20 to 40] - 75 mil
121 A Studded Tunic SEWN BY Orla - 10 mil
122 'Server Birth' Magical Door - 90 mil
123 Talon of the Sleeping Dragon[10] - 75 mil
124 Pirate Boots [10] - 65 mil
125 Standard Issue Mercenary Dagger [1 of 15] - 75 mil
126 Minions of Surano robe [1 of 41] - 75 mil
127 War drum of Air - 250m
128 War Drum of Earth - 250m
131 Helm of the Orcish King Season 1 - 200m
132 Owains Surreys Dreamcatcher - 100m
133 007 Arirang Best Guild ice white color - 100m
134 Bloodstone Juka Statue [1 of 10] - 250m
135 Blood Pact - 200m
136 Royal Guards Shock Troop Sergeant Ice White sash [1 of 1] - 250m
137 A primitive trinket [1 of 15] - 75m
138 Lt. or the Royal Guard Sash, off white, 2006 [1 of 3] - 150m
211 Necromancy 6th Anniversary book - 50m
212 Treatie of Allegiance scroll, yellow [1 of 7] - 150m
213 Tal Keesh Battle plans [1 of 5] - 150m
214 Daemonic Crisis Vanquisher - 90m
215 Head of a Cauldron boiled demon Great Lakes item [1 of 7] - 400m
216 Burning wood fragments [1 of 4] - 200m
217 Olmecian Access Orb - 50m
218 Orcish Voodoo Doll [1 of 15] - 250m
221 Mary Christmas from Santa white poinsettia [1 of 10] - 100m
222 Minotaur Colony Hay - 75 mil
223 Divine Taint Reversal Formulation - 75 mil
224 Rubble Pants from Magincia 1 pair per shard - 100m
225 Blackrock-Warped Claw two tone, [1 of 10] - 100m
226 Non Replica A Necromancer Shroud - 50m
227 A diseased seed [1 of 30] - 50m
228 Wash Basin, Server Birth - 75m
231 Order of Napa Crucis - 50 mil
232 Rotgut Wine - 50 mil
233 Buring of Trinsic Open book [1 of 3] - 150m
234 Brigand Officer Sash [1 of 10] - 100 mil
235 Abyssal Skull with Candle - 150 mil
236 Decaying Scales [1 of 4] - 150 mil
237 Server Birth Covered Chair - 150m
238 Minion of Morissa [1 of 30] - 75 mil
311 Candle of Love quest set - 50 mil
312 Odd wearables - 25 mil
313 Halloween Sampler - 50 mil
314 18 Oceania Orienteering robes - 750m
315 Proof of completed Assignment [40] - 15 mil
316 Jukan Mission Scroll [15] - 75 mil
317 Ship Model - 1 mil
318 Blessed Verite Feather Hat - 20 mil
321 Chaos Banner - 1 mil
322 Phoenix Armor set - 250 mil
323 Mesanna Sampler - 100 mil
324 Wedding Certificate and Invitation - 25 mil
325 Blue Umbra university lanterns from Oceania - 300 mil
326 I Stole this Green lantern - 125 mil
327 Your Soul - 125m
328 Shroud of Tal Keesh - 100 mil
331 Corporal of the Royal Britannian Guard [1 of 15] - 100m
332 Christmas Sampler - 100m
333 - Double Blessed [Exceptional] Jester Hat- 8 mil
334 - Yellow Blood Moss- 12 mil
335 - Mesanna JOLs black/red and black/green - 40 mil
336 -
337 -
338 -
411 Sturdy Army Boots Cobbled for the Royal Brit Guard [1/12 Sonoma] - 125m
412 Bane Chosen Mapbook - 10 mil
413 Bane Chosen Message - 10 mil
414 Toy Statue of Mugu - 10 mil
415 Painting by Travesty - 10 mil
416 Skull Candle - 10 mil
417 Statue (looks like a silver skull) - 10 mil
418 Omos Final Royal Investigator Chronicles - 10 mil
421 Pacific Holiday Set - 10 mil
422 Blaze Seahorse - 1 mil
423 White Holiday Bell from Vex - 1 mil
424 20 Coal ingots and 2 Ore - 1 mil
425 Ghost Ship Anchor - 1 mil
426 27 Obsidian Statues some duplicates - 1 mil
427 Oars from the Pirate Lifeboat [1 of 20] - 50 mil
428 I Stole this Robe... robe - 50 mil
431 Ooze from Trinsic Graves [1 of 15 ] - 50 mil
432 Green I stole this lantern - 50 mil
433 Lake Superior Red Brit Games Lantern [1 of 20] - 50 mil
434 A Small Treasure Box - 50 mil
435 Necklace Stolen from the Jhelom Jewelers [1 of 15] - 50 mil
436 A certificate granting you the title of Guinea Pig - 20 mil
437 Weld Scale Gloves [1 of 10] - 50 mil
438 Happy Valentines Day Bag complete - 5k
511 Red Happy Holidays bag, red& green glasses, fruitcake, blue cham. - 5k
512 Royal Guard Investigator Cloak +20 Stealth *Not Replica* - 150 mil
513 Acid Proof Robe * Not Replica* - 60 mil
514 pulled by MOA
515 Dragon Bone Earring - 40 mil
516 You Were Naughty This Year Bag *Complete* - 50 mil
517 2009 Solstice Stag Bag *Complete* - 30 mil


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 3rd results
Item number, winning bidder, winning bid

231 Nille 70 mil
416 Shumer 36 mil
421 Grogen 35 mil
423 Hannah 1 mil
438 Peron 500k
513 No Sale
111 Crack Fiend 4 mil
112 Rylo 2.1 mil
113 Darkness 30 mil
116 Shumer 1 mil
122 No Sale
131 Vierge Darkmoon 275 mil
137 No Sale
223 No Sale
212 Vierge Darkmoon 150 mil
221 From Long Ago 260 mil
312 Diamonds 50 mil
318 No Sale
323 Josiah 150 mil
327 Grogen 125 mil
413 Diamonds 55 mil
426 Grogen 6.25 mil
424 Ironhearts 2 mil
433 Decadence 165 mil
436 X blade 30 mil
427 AnAn 60 mil
415 Leian 135 mil
417 Bonzo 91 mil
311 John Genesis 50 mil
232 Decadence 60 mil
126 No Sale
128 Ice Latte 300 mil
325 Decadence 300 mil
** 227*** Blasted little seed was in its bag, we missed it in the line up look for it Saturday.
33 items attempted, 27 item sold 6 no sales NO FALSE BIDS Sales: 2,443,850,000

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Nice auction Thanks for all the effort. Great Job!!!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to appologize Nille/Promathia, I didn't see the whole exchange. I know there was a comment made something to the effect of try to find one... it was meant available on Great Lakes besides here, it wasn't presented well. I do hope you'll accept my appology.


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to appologize Nille/Promathia, I didn't see the whole exchange. I know there was a comment made something to the effect of try to find one... it was meant available on Great Lakes besides here, it wasn't presented well. I do hope you'll accept my appology.
The comment was innocent enough, but the attitude I got from the auctioneer left a poor taste in my mouth. Besides that good auction, and no apology is necessary.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Very good auction! and thanks for posting the winning bids!!!

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Saturday Auction has already started, where is everyone?