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Kahlan Rahl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was fortunate enough to receive (in my new mailbox) over 60 small springs and hinges from some kind soul today. As I stand by the trashcan in Luna taking one spring out at a time, placing it in the trashcan and not only thinking its bad enough that I have to do this one at a time, but OMG the mailbox closes after each removal. I’m so close to just throwing away the whole mailbox in the trash. (Yes, not only do I feel bitchy today, I’m lazy, and I feel like whining, and this post will probably come back to bite me in the butt) You’re not allowed to comment Snake.


It should have said who the springs were from...if so Ban their BUTTS from the house. If at all possible.
Oh and surplize.

Kahlan Rahl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, it did say who put them there, but it is no one we know. I figured there would be the usual "joke loading" of the mailboxes, but when that thing closes after each removal! ouch:yell:

Oh, and you, _ _ _ _ (u know what). Suplize)

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, it did say who put them there, but it is no one we know. I figured there would be the usual "joke loading" of the mailboxes, but when that thing closes after each removal! ouch:yell:

Oh, and you, _ _ _ _ (u know what). Suplize)
Hmm, did you try opening the mailbox, putting a bag in mailbox then placing the springs one at a time in the bag? Then you could just take the bag out and dump.

Hopefully that works.

Richard Pryor

Another suggestion would be to fly off the handle and cancel your account.

Kahlan Rahl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ken of Napa, I was so excited when I saw your suggestion. I logged in and tried it. I placed a bag in the mailbox, opened the bag and dropped the hinge in, (didnt work). I even closed the bag and tried droping it on the bag, (didnt work), it still kept popping closed. Thank you very much for trying to help I really appreciate it.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm. I just tried a mailbox locked down in my Keep. I was able to open it and remove all items one at a time?

Could you have a bugged Mailbox? Or is it perhaps not locked down?

Good Luck with your problem I know that would be a real pain :(


It was posted by one of the devs that if you got someone doing stuff to you like that. You can page on it and they can take action against that person because it records their name.

Kahlan Rahl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ken: Thank you so much for the new mailbox, you were right mine was bugged, I used the one you gave me and it works fine.

SpaceYourFace: Its no big deal now to get rid of them if he does it again, but if he makes a habit out of it I might seriously think about it. Thanks for the info.


Could you sell them to the tinker, by opening the lid of the box and then selling? Glad you got a new Mail box.

Kahlan Rahl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Millie, I had already emptied the mailbox, but I did try your suggestion with items other than the springs and hinges and yes the vendor bought the items I had in the mailbox. A very important lesson learned. I did think about dying and leaving the items on my body. Thanks for the help