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[Treasure Hunting] Magic items in a treasure chest


Stratics Veteran
Besides the obvious use of unraveling, is it even worth going through the magic items found in a treasure chest? I've gone through several dozen and never found a single item that was maybe possibly worth keeping. Do the items become better quality at the higher level of the chest?

Are there certain qualities of items that I should be keeping an eye out? I have a pretty rough idea what to look for in Shame but I'm at a complete loss when it comes to treasure hunting.



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Items in a chest can have any intensity up to 5 x 100%, with a chance for some items to have 6 properties (presumably up to 100%, but most 6-property items seem to still be at the 500% cap, but that may just be bad luck)

However, with imbuing & reforging, even the 6x properties aren't worth that much. BUT....

There's two regular loot item types to look for in the chest, worth keeping:

1. Elemental damage weapons. For Treasure Chest loot (and even for monsters), Elemental damage is still considered a "property", even if it isn't for runic crafting, imbuing, and reforging. So, while elemental damage weapons with other properties might be of limited value, it is still possible for "clean" elemental damage weapons (only elemental damage, at any value from 10% to 100% in one type or cumulative types - such as a 100% poison sword with no other properties) to be loot - and those CAN be reforged (then enhanced after reforging, to change any remaining physical damage to elemental).

2. Jewelry. Simply, Chests have the best possible intensities and quantities of jewelry outside of the revamped dungeons (and no cursed junk), and even if you don't find loot that is mind-blowing, you will find stuff for an imbuer to improve on, such as things that are max standard intensity in 1-2 properties (that require relics or hard to get ingredients), and either no properties or stuff complementary to the maxed-out stuff that you can imbue higher. Many people will still pay well for a good non-imbued item that can't be gotten otherwise, and don't want to farm for weeks or months trying to go through items in Shame looking for something for the ultra-rare non-cursed/non-bad-luck jewelry piece. And, until they add a tinker reforging tool, it will probably stay that way.
My mage uses a ring to complete her suit that started out with 3 of the 5 properties she needed at 100% and a small bit of luck, that came from a chest, that I added the 5th property to (15% physical to overcap so that I'm still 70 with protection cast), and filled up the remaining bit by increasing the Luck. You can save millions with your imbuer by utilizing T-chest rings and bracelets as starting points.


Stratics Veteran
Throw them in the trash and collect the cleanup Brit points? At least that's what a friend does.
Never considered that. Not even sure how many points the items will give. I've just either been unraveling them or leaving them in the chest if I'm feeling lazy..
Items in a chest can have any intensity up to 5 x 100%, with a chance for some items to have 6 properties (presumably up to 100%, but most 6-property items seem to still be at the 500% cap, but that may just be bad luck)

However, with imbuing & reforging, even the 6x properties aren't worth that much. BUT....

There's two regular loot item types to look for in the chest, worth keeping:

1. Elemental damage weapons. For Treasure Chest loot (and even for monsters), Elemental damage is still considered a "property", even if it isn't for runic crafting, imbuing, and reforging. So, while elemental damage weapons with other properties might be of limited value, it is still possible for "clean" elemental damage weapons (only elemental damage, at any value from 10% to 100% in one type or cumulative types - such as a 100% poison sword with no other properties) to be loot - and those CAN be reforged (then enhanced after reforging, to change any remaining physical damage to elemental).

2. Jewelry. Simply, Chests have the best possible intensities and quantities of jewelry outside of the revamped dungeons (and no cursed junk), and even if you don't find loot that is mind-blowing, you will find stuff for an imbuer to improve on, such as things that are max standard intensity in 1-2 properties (that require relics or hard to get ingredients), and either no properties or stuff complementary to the maxed-out stuff that you can imbue higher. Many people will still pay well for a good non-imbued item that can't be gotten otherwise, and don't want to farm for weeks or months trying to go through items in Shame looking for something for the ultra-rare non-cursed/non-bad-luck jewelry piece. And, until they add a tinker reforging tool, it will probably stay that way.
My mage uses a ring to complete her suit that started out with 3 of the 5 properties she needed at 100% and a small bit of luck, that came from a chest, that I added the 5th property to (15% physical to overcap so that I'm still 70 with protection cast), and filled up the remaining bit by increasing the Luck. You can save millions with your imbuer by utilizing T-chest rings and bracelets as starting points.
This is great advice. I haven't looked for elemental damage on weapons. The only ones I've kept an eye out for was 100% poison damage since it seems that people require those for working fighting skills and that they seem to have a decently high demand.

Had no idea that the jewelry in the chest could be worth a decent amount. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out.
Wish there was a way that I could look for what the max intensities are on certain properties [spell damage, damage increase, etc.]. I'm fairly uneducated when it comes to Imbuing so this is all new to me.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Never considered that. Not even sure how many points the items will give. I've just either been unraveling them or leaving them in the chest if I'm feeling lazy..

This is great advice. I haven't looked for elemental damage on weapons. The only ones I've kept an eye out for was 100% poison damage since it seems that people require those for working fighting skills and that they seem to have a decently high demand.

Had no idea that the jewelry in the chest could be worth a decent amount. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out.
Wish there was a way that I could look for what the max intensities are on certain properties [spell damage, damage increase, etc.]. I'm fairly uneducated when it comes to Imbuing so this is all new to me.
If you use the Enhanced Client, the Pinco UI will show you the max intensities on mouse over... You're out of luck for the Classic I'm afraid though.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I loot everything, for unralving puropse. Sometimes i find 1fc, rings and bracelets that i keep. But most of the time its 99.9% junk, the best loot seems to be on the guardians.
I think most people just loot the essence, and arties.