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Maby stupid question



I am sitting right now on my daughters old laptop (lol don't own a own any more) it is 2,0 ghz intell 512 ram and integrated graphic card.

I know i can pvp, but will i be able to use it at all?
Hehe i know KRB is out of question, but 2D


It should have the guts to run 2d fast enough for pvp without any problems but you will need to plug a mouse into it for sure because the synapse pad on a laptop is useless for gaming lol.


I wish i could use my sons comp

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
4 GB DDR2 800MHz
1 x Raptor 74 GB, 2 x 500 GB
Intel P35
ATI Radeon HD3870 X2 1024MB
Creative X-FI Xtreme Audio

But it would be a overkill to UO


as long as your connection is decent you'll be fine. I play on a 1.6 g 512 ram system with integrated video and no problem with a cable connection. Its more about your connection speed than your computer speed.