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[M D] Giving [OMEN] A Very Hard Time Lately




So the past couple of days i've been wandering around fel hiding around n stuff and it seems as if M D (Mondains Demons) is giving OMEN a very hard time as everywhere i seem to show up i see M D all up and alive and ALOT and i mean ALOT of DEAD OMEN!!

I think i should bring my mule in and help OMEN out next time!!

Hard luck OMEN Congrats M D



Dark Druid

Pretty sad that you have to post on startics about this. What did omen kick you from there boards. Most of us dont want to hear about guild battles.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty sad that you have to post on startics about this. What did omen kick you from there boards. Most of us dont want to hear about guild battles.
I wouldn't want to re-live losses either. Better luck next time.


Well, I will say this, after coming back into the game and having nothing being caught in the middle of two red guilds attacking each other and have both of them stop and kill you 3 times its alittle lame. I think I've decided I'm done with UO. I get to play either WoW with all its over powered guilds or UO with all its over powered guilds, so I've opt'd to wait for a new game to come out so I can play at the same level as everyone and work my way up. Good Luck all. Have fun killin each other till no one is left and this game is even more dull than it is now.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I will say this, after coming back into the game and having nothing being caught in the middle of two red guilds attacking each other and have both of them stop and kill you 3 times its alittle lame. I think I've decided I'm done with UO. I get to play either WoW with all its over powered guilds or UO with all its over powered guilds, so I've opt'd to wait for a new game to come out so I can play at the same level as everyone and work my way up. Good Luck all. Have fun killin each other till no one is left and this game is even more dull than it is now.
Just out of curiosity, how did you find yourself in that situation? From your other post, it sounded like you wanted to do primarily tram stuff.


Well, I will say this, after coming back into the game and having nothing being caught in the middle of two red guilds attacking each other and have both of them stop and kill you 3 times its alittle lame. I think I've decided I'm done with UO. I get to play either WoW with all its over powered guilds or UO with all its over powered guilds, so I've opt'd to wait for a new game to come out so I can play at the same level as everyone and work my way up. Good Luck all. Have fun killin each other till no one is left and this game is even more dull than it is now.
FACT: there will always be an overpowered guild. games that have PvP areas or PvP servers will always, always, always have groups of people who "take over"... the power may change hands from time to time, but the fact remains the same. so, your choice is the same as it has always been in UO and as it has always been in every pvp game... join, die, or stay out.

and, if you're dreaming of being able to "play on the same level" as everyone else, even that has its limitations. there will come a time where you will either realize that you don't have enough time to play and everyone around you has passed you in level and ability... or you will turn around one day and realize that YOU ARE the "overpowered" one you used to complain and cry about in other games and that someone somewhere is probably making a post about how you killed them and they are mad and quitting whatever game it is.

heh - it's the circle of life... but in this circle, you get to choose if you're gonna be a predator or prey.


Pretty sad that you have to post on startics about this. What did omen kick you from there boards. Most of us dont want to hear about guild battles.
Not sad at all :) I Dont bother going on OMENs boards even why would i want to? I dont care if you do or dont want to hear about guild battles and im sorry if you dont know what felucca is but trust me there is PvPers that want to see this here!!!


Dark Druid

Not sad at all I Dont bother going on OMENs boards even why would i want to? I dont care if you do or dont want to hear about guild battles and im sorry if you dont know what felucca is but trust me there is PvPers that want to see this here!!
I ran in fel for many years so i know what fel is all about. And Yes i dont run in fel anymore i got sick of all the hackers and scripters out there (takes real talent to let a program do all the work for you). And besides i make 10 times more playing in tram and doing trammel stuff than i ever did doing spawns or PVP.