Ready to be done with the hardcore vending scene-just no time in my life for it atm It's Keenans Co-op SHop.The place with most the vendors in Fire orange Shrouds...An Aspiring Trader should do Awsome here i know i have we get HEAVY traffic at this spot.ANyone Can Feel Free to Place Bids Here and when someone makes an offer i consider decent they will get the place there is no end time for bids or anything its not exactly an auction i simply wont sell if im not offered enough to do so.Feel Free to bid on just shop OR Shop Plus Stock...I have Hundreds of mils in stock so if u wanted to go that way u would have your shop full and up an running right away up to u.Anyways Thx to all who have made trading such an enjoyable pastime for me the past few years i love u all and the people are what i will miss most about running a shop.ViVa La Europa!!!!!!--Happy Bidding--Keenan