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Luna home value?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any idea was a basic (around 15X15 plot) Luna home goes for on Napa, as far as gold or trades?

Friend is thinking of selling his.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
personally i think Luna house prices are ******** lol....why? why are they worth so much?...luna is dull and boring, and as for venders?, you can make just as much and get just as many shoppers by dropping the right runes and keeping those venders full....personally i dont usually buy anything around luna because you can get most of the items your looking for for about 75% cheaper from non luna venders or just msg'n people here for whatever it is ya be looking for...plus ya get alot of venders who scam the hell outta people with ******** prices for crap items or false rares...luna is just a sad square in the middle of Malas lmao...ive been offered 2 houses in luna in my time and turned them both down because i like my houses right where they are....away from Malas hahahaha
example....250 gp for a legendary blacksmith repair deed?? lmfao....vender behind my house sells em for 50 gp.....i still hope they blow that place up someday or turn it into a magincia type situation...magincia was nailed because of there greed....i think they hit the wrong city...just my 13 cents lmao


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heh, If you place the runes right.. like in the streets of Luna? Then perhaps you may get some business. :) Its unavoidable Otis! I have seen you there shopping! Hah

A large part of Luna housing prices being so high is because there are a few search engines that track Luna vendors so you can find items quickly on any server. Alot of people dont want to spend the time looking all over Britainia for say a .. 120 magery PS or .. Arrows. Now if somone would build a search engine (preferably OSI) for all the lands then you may see housing prices fall in Luna.

Salya Sin

A large part of Luna housing prices being so high is because there are a few search engines that track Luna vendors so you can find items quickly on any server. Alot of people dont want to spend the time looking all over Britainia for say a .. 120 magery PS or .. Arrows. Now if somone would build a search engine (preferably OSI) for all the lands then you may see housing prices fall in Luna.

Those search engines are now implementing an out of Luna option so other vendors can be part of the site. Say goodbye to Luna being so prevalent. Thank the gods of shopping!

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
actually i have a feeling luna might get a bit of a change in the not so distant future lmao

as for shopping in luna?, not much!, maybe odin firefly but myself? not really...i mostly browse and sell the same things for seriously lower prices, unless i cant find something and absolutly have to buy it from a luna vender...and not all luna venders are as bad as i was saying..but a major number of them are...like i said, just my personal opinion!, i think luna's pathetic and hope and cant wait for it to stir up lmao

Sir Kelek

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:stir: LOL Otis he was asking house prices calm down!! Wasnt offering you one hehe. I agree Bliss we already have enough rubble sandstone pieces lol. Down with Mooon glow!!

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:stir: LOL Otis he was asking house prices calm down!! Wasnt offering you one hehe. I agree Bliss we already have enough rubble sandstone pieces lol. Down with Mooon glow!!
yea i know..its just the whole Luna house price deal that gets me going everytime....i wont ever understand it lol


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm...200-400 mil. So a castle trade is feasible then...

Out of curiosity, how does one exactly do a trade with 400 million gold? Bank boxes hold 125 items...backpacks hold the same...

Is there supposed to be some type of trust? or is a broker usually involved?

Sir Kelek

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm...200-400 mil. So a castle trade is feasible then...

Out of curiosity, how does one exactly do a trade with 400 million gold? Bank boxes hold 125 items...backpacks hold the same...

Is there supposed to be some type of trust? or is a broker usually involved?
Honestly I've always gone with the whole trust in people I trade with. I just make sure they are trustworth and check references. But you still never know. Its alot easier to buy bandaids off vendors for gold amounts then to count each check.