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Luna Attacked!! Citizens Defend!!

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I arrived in Luna early, with the intent to assess the strength of the walled city. As I patrolled the streets looking for defensible positions, giving a nod of greeting to the other adventurers and citizens of Sosaria, I felt a familiar calm come over me. “The calm before the storm” as some would say. I experienced a sense of heightened awareness of where I was and what would be expected of me in the coming hours. With a quiver bristling with bolts and the reassuring weight of my old crossbow, I took position at the empty western crossroads.

It was not before long the necromancer Anthraxus arrived at the gate. He is a trusted friend and his presence comforted my nerves. He had been observing the formation of an army at the Counselor’s Hall in Britain. As I usually like to tease the elf, I jokingly told him he had been too late…

Laughing at the news, my friend left to survey the city for himself. He planned to mark magical runes for easy entry to the cardinal points of the city and the tops of the battlements. Previous nights we encountered demons landing on rooftops. When he returned I told him more tales of my brave exploits…

More citizens and adventurers began arriving at the western edge of the city. We could not know what was coming, but we knew it was coming soon. As the spellcasters began placing magical barriers and summoning an army of their own, I wondered how the defenders in other parts of the city were doing.

With a great rush of wind, the first wave of the Shadowlord’s force arrived, a legion of undead creatures. They were greeted with swift and brutal action by the defenders of western Luna. No quarter asked, no quarter given.

As the attacks progressed, seemingly inexhaustible waves of dark forces poured upon the defenders of Luna. Eventually the shadowy forces broke through and inflicted heavy losses on the brave citizens. The Shadowlords themselves manifested to mete out death and suffering. But our will was stronger than their hatred.

Our fortunes changed with the arrival of the platinum dragon Fayaxion. We drove the Shadowlords into the center of town. Our combined efforts overcame the manifestations and exorcised the stain of their evil from the city. Leaderless, the remnants of the army soon fell.

Citizen defenders were offered a reward for their suffering and bravery… by the dragon Fayaxion.

Many assembled at the Hall of champion to claim their hard earned reward.

Inside the great hall, EM Autolycus and the dragon gifted the victorious defenders with powerfully enchanted Cloaks of Silence. In the defense of the city though, we had proven that we will not remain silent. The cloaks will aid our scouts against the minions of the Shadowlords, in the battles to come.

My trusted friend Anthraxus stopped the dragon just before it departed from the rooftop of the Hall of Champions. Anthraxus returned, visibly shaken, and had this to say to me “Our victory is only a temporary respite. The Evil Ones shall not be dissuaded from their goal. They will only be stopped when they have been utterly destroyed. We must rest now while we can.”

I returned to the site of the battle to survey the damages. For now peace and prosperity has returned to the city of paladins.
Where will the Shadowlords strike next?

Stayin Alive,
