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Luck Suit - Pub 49


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Used about 8 spined kits and spined Leather and one copper hammer

Non Crafted Pieces
Jester Hat of Chuckles 150 Luck
Ring of Elements 100 Luck
Bracelet 100 Luck Str 5 Int 2 HCi 9 SDI 4
Robe of Eclipse 95 Luck

Crafted Pieces
Katana 122 Luck SSI 15 DI 40
Shield 40 Luck SR 5 RPD 10 FC 1
Tunic 130 Luck 18/5/4/5/5
Legs 134 Luck LMC 7 7/8/5/7/4
Sleeves 134 Luck 22/7/4/9/17
Gloves 139 Luck MR 2 14/4/4/5/4
Gorget 140 Luck SR 4 Mana 8 9/5/7/6/4

Total Stats
1284 Luck

Took about an hour and I didn't even do any swapping for resists. A few more spined kits and I'm sure I could approach 70's


Looks like spined kits are actually doing what they were intended to now. Making luck suits. That's cool. I'll have to try those out after I get done burning all my runic hammers.


Yeah seriously the idea of spined kits actually being used for something is pretty amazing and really makes me happy for once.

Fayled Dhreams

Thanks for sharing Theo GL ...
don't forget to "allow for" the account age based Luck Boost (1 hour per 24) From the 10th Anniversary Sculpture ...

Just saying ... after a char is wearing a "50% suit"

your Fate / Destiny ... is already given over to the whims of the Evil Lord RNG ( have I mentioned ... )

I would welcome a presentation of a counter veiw ... mathed out ... that at 50% the only target "left" to shoot for would be 100% ...

Or am I missing something? ... Just saying ... Hit the 50% then focus on the other stats/mods ...
For monster loot ... your hitting a 50/50 chance for the three rolls ... where the actual luck number ...doesn't apply
For Artie drops ...(doom) ... are the #'s .. formula ... actually Known?
Virtue armor drops ... well ... better point accumulation ... but what rate ?

Again, Thanks for the first run numbers ...

Luck suits are no longer the domain of Tamers ...


LAH Architect

Great Info Theo !

Many returning or newer players will love this !


With GM armslore and legendary tailoring, I used a spined kit on spined leather and only have 40 luck on each piece as normal??


it gets 40 luck from the leather property. Then you have to roll lucky on the RNG to add the luck property ontop of that, to get the crazy 100+ luck pieces.