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Babbling Loonie
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What the flip is up with it!!!!?!?!?!?!? I cannot tell you how annoying it is to do Mel after Mel after Mel with nearly 3k luck (after perfection) and get items like A Dagger fc 1...just ran through 4 Mels with luck statue and received a +15 healing ring....only thing i kept (other than regs)

Is anyone else seeing this nonsense???



What the flip is up with it!!!!?!?!?!?!? I cannot tell you how annoying it is to do Mel after Mel after Mel with nearly 3k luck (after perfection) and get items like A Dagger fc 1...just ran through 4 Mels with luck statue and received a +15 healing ring....only thing i kept (other than regs)
Is anyone else seeing this nonsense???
If you do not mind me asking, how do you solo Mel? With a Greater Dragon?


Yeah that is rough. My samurai has like 1100 luck all 70s suit with 45 DCI and I go and pound on Shadow Wyrms and stuff and rarely get anything good. I do get a lot of +15 jewels but they dont have the right mods. Hopefully the new skill will help me use those :)

Old Man of UO

If you do not mind me asking, how do you solo Mel? With a Greater Dragon?
I would guess he has a sammy/wammy or some version of that, and not a tamer since he mentioned perfection.


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LUCK IS CURRENTLY (& probably has been for ages) BROKEN.. as stated by Draconi....

I think it’s broken though. Not in the actual code, but in all the thousands of loot table definitions. A huge portion of them don’t even allow players to have more than one item from a loot definition, negating the entire point of luck! That’s not even beginning to cover the actual intensity range definitions. I’m willing to bet that the loot tables themselves are the ultimate cause of luck not working properly, and need to be reviewed.
FoF March 13 2009 Last paragraph in the section about LUCK


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Lol, ya, luck is a joke atm. At least they have acknowledged it though, so we may have a fix eventually. But ya, I chain Miasmas with over 2k luck, and get armor with no mods that looks like it came off lizard men, and tons of jewlery without a single mod... just "A Bracelet" or "A Ring". I think the best thing I got in the last 1,000+ Miasmas was a tunic with 13 lrc and like 70 luck. Didnt bother keeping it since it was crap, but that was probably the best I have seen there... other then a few chests which at least give ya a map. But ya, hunting a named monster with 2k+ luck should be giving you something other then a headache. Im just stoked that I can actually keep the gold now.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Draconi has also implied that the loot tables will be looked at due to the reduced weight of gold. Presumably the luck issue will be dealt with at the same time, hence hitting two birds with one stone.


Has nothing to do with luck, it has to do with the loot tables of Mel.

When Mel first came out she had very good items. Great bows, some good talismans.. But after a while they revamped some of the Peerless and Mel was one of them, ever since then she has had rotten loot. Not even close.

My main 2 bows were from Mel, and i had gotten maybe a half dozen decent ones that broke when enhancing, but i had 2 that succeeded and i use all the time. Not top of the line bows, but very nice ones.

Ever since the change, i have never gotten a decent bow off Mel again. I have never gotten a decent talisman. I have never gotten any loot from mel other than ingredients that i ever kept. Before the change, good loot, after, rotten loot.

I have also never received a hair dye, crimson, nor anything else other than an occasional parrot. And i have done hundreds of Mels.

But then again, since they introdued the super super dragons, people can probably solo her with a tamer/mage/archer. Or at least just need 2 people. So maybe you need crappy loot on her now.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you do not mind me asking, how do you solo Mel? With a Greater Dragon?
To answer your question. I dont solo. A friend from home and I go and take her down real quick. I bring a greater drag to tank it and he uses a bushido, necro,chiv,archer...takes her down in about 8 minutes


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I put together a luck suit today ... with the luck statue I have 2121.

Then I tried swoop with and without luck, probably about 35 swoops each way. If there was any difference at all in the loot it was too slight to be noticeable. I didn't get a single thing I wanted to keep.


*sigh* I am so glad now that I never bothered with the luck rings and bracelets much less the armor. I always suspected that the descriptions here were the case, and sadly, so many spent so much for "hmmm."

(Luck Armor) - broken? Oh, my!

Hey, thanks for that information Vexxed. :)


I solo Grizz, 2man trav and mels with combined luck of pushing 4k...

Always...Always get at least 2-3items worth pulling!


LUCK IS NOT BROKEN!! only on some off the monsters templates....some. Which ones? Is another question.....it is frustrating that it is semi-broken yes, because people (including myself) have spent alot of time, money, and effort creating luck suits and items that mean nothing!?

GM's must fix this soon seriouslly.


It is Gettin looked at as previously mentioned by draconi.

Personally i think the "break" is just because of perception...in days gone bye (not even that long ago) items we now through away would have been worth good gold, due to the increase in awesome items around the lessers are deemed worthless, so now the old loot that was thrown away looks like mongbat loot.

You have to think of the chances of hitting the right mods on a piece given the amount of pieces available and then the amount of mods available...to hit the right one is probably 1:1000000000

Gus of Llanowar

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mymage/weaver sits at 1000 luck after hitting the statue and i have done oaks maybe 14 times since the replicas were introduced and have twice pulled the wind spirit replica. thats some kinda luck but the question is which one. also both times i got them was 2 of the 8 times i hot the satue the times i didnt hit and went in with 700 plus i got nothing. maybe the corpse had something idk i dont loot the corplses often. bout times i got the drops i beleive i got the final hit kill with the word of death spell doing close to 500 points with that hit. i dont know if that factored in also who knows.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What the flip is up with it!!!!?!?!?!?!? I cannot tell you how annoying it is to do Mel after Mel after Mel with nearly 3k luck (after perfection) and get items like A Dagger fc 1...just ran through 4 Mels with luck statue and received a +15 healing ring....only thing i kept (other than regs)

Is anyone else seeing this nonsense???

Whomever does the top damage will have their luck applied, from my understanding (this theory was suggested a long time ago when the Gauntlet cropped up), for the entire group who can loot from the corpse. So if you aren't doing the most damage maybe it doesn't matter that you wear luck.


Whomever does the top damage will have their luck applied, from my understanding (this theory was suggested a long time ago when the Gauntlet cropped up), for the entire group who can loot from the corpse. So if you aren't doing the most damage maybe it doesn't matter that you wear luck.

Not true.

It takes the luck of the person that pops the corpse to loot there loot, if 5 people out of party loot the luck roll is for each individual...tried and tested.

If you stay in party the roll is for the highest luck but takes into account the combined luck of the party.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
was looking back through UO.com. It seems they've changed there playguide...couldnt get the exact run down of how luck is applied. But this is how i remember it. When hunting in a party, luck is applied from the person that damaged the monster the most....in this case the archer obviously. I've seen that posted a couple places, but cant seem to find it. I've never heard of the person who pops it, or it taking luck from all people in the group

I am however going to take some luck on the tamer next time, just to try it out....cant hurt. Maybe give her a 1900 luck suit as well....see if it bumps things up.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Not true.

It takes the luck of the person that pops the corpse to loot there loot, if 5 people out of party loot the luck roll is for each individual...tried and tested.

If you stay in party the roll is for the highest luck but takes into account the combined luck of the party.
Ya I dont know about that. I cant quote specifically but I remember that myth being adressed in an FOF a while back. It is in fact the top damager and NOT the person that opens the corpse. The loot is generated upon the death of the monster, not upon the corpse being opened. It is the top damagers luck that is applied, not a mix, not a combination, and not an average.


If thats the case then we must just have some amazing rl luck!

For the majority of the fight...in fact all the fight we have about 1200luckish combined, then before we pop we switch suits hit the statue and pop the corpse...its worked for us so far, maybe as i said it is just rl luck but if thats the case im buying a lottery ticket this weekend cos my luck is always in!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Aye top damager...... my luck has worked for me sometimes... not always.....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If thats the case then we must just have some amazing rl luck!

For the majority of the fight...in fact all the fight we have about 1200luckish combined, then before we pop we switch suits hit the statue and pop the corpse...its worked for us so far, maybe as i said it is just rl luck but if thats the case im buying a lottery ticket this weekend cos my luck is always in!
Ya if you're getting decent items its probably due to RL luck. The problem with that whole theory is that its is contrary to the basic game mechanics. Luck is broken, ya, but the way items are generated simply makes that theory impossible. Since items are generated at the instant the monster is killed, it doesn't make any difference what you do after that point. If you have been waiting till after the boss is dead to put on your luck suit, Im afraid to tell ya you have been wasting a lot of luck. It would be like me going to doom, spending 7 hours there, then leaving doom, going to my house, putting on a luck suit, and then saying "Ok, lets look through my pack and see if I get anything good."

What you want to do is put on your luck suit BEFORE the monster dies. And its only the top attacker who's luck is taken into account. So make sure you know who is doing the most damage, and make sure they are the ones putting on the luck suit. That was stated a while back when luck was explained. It has absolutely nothing to do with who opens the corpse, again, at the point the items had already been generated, and the person opening the corpse has no influence whatsoever.

Gus of Llanowar

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
again my personal to beat the archer out of most damage have a luck suit on a nice mage weaver. with an arcane circle of 5 and occasionally trying to cast arcane empowerment, because it does take major mana while also casting word of death can successfully deal dmage with 30% life left on the enemy. With witnesses i can honestly say that i have hit travisty up to 6 times for 450+ points of damage each.until she died and doing this ive never gotten a crim but i normally pull the eye for sure.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ya I dont know about that. I cant quote specifically but I remember that myth being adressed in an FOF a while back. It is in fact the top damager and NOT the person that opens the corpse. The loot is generated upon the death of the monster, not upon the corpse being opened. It is the top damagers luck that is applied, not a mix, not a combination, and not an average.

Yeah, looks like Rich isn't someone to trust haha :p