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[Buying] Lots of stuff on GL or Atl

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have started amassing a list of things I want and figured I would post here just in case someone has them for sale. I can pay on Atlantic and maybe Great Lakes and take items on either shard. Please PM me or post here.

I can't afford all of this at one time, but since I might find a piece here or there, I will list them all at once ;)

Whispering Rose from Dawn
Britannian Royal Spy - Pigeon Watcher - Sash
Britannian Royal Spy - Pigeon Watcher - Boots
Britannian Royal Spy - Cat Keeper - Sash
Britannian Royal Spy - Cat Keeper - Cloak
Britannian Royal Spy - Cat Keeper - Boots
Red Hot Momma's Slippers
Suit of Phoenix Armor (except for leggings)
Any piece of gray Halloweenie armor (except for leggings)
Any type of shirt "Sewn by Lady Sarah"
Any type of foot wear "Sewn by Lady Sarah"
Medium or small rubble crate
Small north/west rubble blood corner
Rounded, sandstone rubble stair piece
The round large blackrock 25 stones for weight
Your Soul
2 pieces of the smooth brown rubble table without legs, grain running east to west

That's all I can think of at this time!
Hunter Moon