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Lost Soulstones


Stratics Veteran
If you've returned to Siege and lost stones previously at your idoc, we have approx. 1500 named and 150 un-named stones waiting to be reunited with owners.

If you know someone who is reluctant to return to Siege because they believe they lost their stones when they left, please have them contact me (Shalimar) or Sara Dale with the names of their characters and we'll look at what we've saved. The stones are now all in one place so you won't need to get hold of both Sara and me to find out if your stones have been saved, or to test any un-named ones, just ask for either of us. I can be contacted here on Stratics, Siege discord (address in sticky top of page) or in game. The best place to contact Sara Dale is in game.

If you're EJ you need to test stones at an inn, so, as Sara doesn't gate contact me if EJ so she doesn't need to carry a load of stones around.

It would be fabulous if we can get at least some of these stones back where they belong.

Thanks much.


Stratics Veteran
hello my house inantown is gone did any one get my soul stones?
Hello Spree, we don't have any named stones for (Spree) did you have any other names in game? Also, have you asked Kelmo if he has your stones? I know Gilfane have saved their own old member stones, so it may be worth asking Kelmo if your only name on Siege was Spree. You are welcome to test the un-named stones we have as well.


Seasoned Veteran
You are welcome to test the un-named stones we have as well.
I always wished the soulstones had some kind of number that you could match to one on your account, so you wouldn't have to click every single one in a player soulstone graveyard or the official ones when they had them. Of course, now that they just make them go poof if in an IDOC, they are unlikely to ever consider doing that.