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Lost Soul Stones

Lord Essex

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know its a long shot but I figured I'd give it a try..

I recently came back after a being gone for about two years.. Fairly soon after I left I discovered my castle had fallen N of Brit near the Northern Britannia Crossroads. It was set back from the water w/ two 18x18's in front. If anyone happened to do the IDOC and had the soul stones from the idoc I would GREATLY apperciate their return & would reward anyone who had these items well. The same goes for anything w/ the names Shadow / Braddock / Essex or unique things such as bag art, cloth, etc that I can verify were from my home. Thank you for reading.



Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think i remember that IDOC, well, barely. (mhhn there was a spittoon in the middle of the castle, first floor?)

Anyway, not sure if there is anyone else that keep the soulstones. I only keep the red tall ones because those never decay. I keep em on a non-decay container so they dont take any lockdown.
Having said that, i have about 200 soulstones if you want to try it. I dont know what to do with them now, I have been saving the red soulstones for almost 2.5yrs and I would like to find a trustworthy person that would be interested in trying to find the owners of the soulstones if he/she finds a returning veteran.