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losing (blessed) title



Can sandals lose the double blessed title? I have two pairs of sandals that no longer have the title. Will a gm fix it? What's the cause?


I've never heard of this happening before, but anything is possible. Which portion of the title did they lose though, the first blessed in brackets [blessed] or the 2nd blessed which is located on the 2nd line?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had this happen to "A Robe (blessed)" when moving it between my backpack, secured containers, and back again, but the "(blessed)" kept re-appearing and disappearing. Maybe it's a blessed death robe that is also newbie blessed, or something strange like that, so it may not be relevant to your sandals, except that you might try moving them around a bit between your backpack and containers and see if the tag re-appears.


in my case, not a blessed in the first(title) line but...
blessed in the second line went away from my sigil tribal mask with feeblemind charges.
after the charges ran out and put off and on, then it didnt say blessed. but it was actually still blessed because i couldnt insure it.

GMs can fix it if its really blessed. so, a GM did mine. im not sure if they can retrieve a (blessed) in the first line.
i suggest you to keep it as it is for a while, because, as Techthys said, it may show (blessed) again.