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Looking to buy the following


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I've recently come across a little bit of gold, certainly not much, and am looking to start a rares collection. Some of the items are not all that rare, but its some pixel crack that I like ;P.

-Old school blood tiles (I've seen them on atlantic for 2-3mil per tile, if this is still the price then i would like to buy a set)
-Skull mug (This I'm not too familiar with, I heard you could get them in taverns in serp hold back in the day? Also, how much do these go for?)
-Dirty pots (What is the origin of these? I've heard mixed stories. What do they sell for?)
-Haunted chest (On the Event items post in this forums it says it goes for 30-35mil, is that still the going rate for one?)

Thanks, and obviously I'm on Atlantic.


I think the last haunted chest sold for 200 mill or something, and I don't think any of the owners of any are going to part with them any time soon. Skull mugs are cute, I think I see one for sale every once in a while. Blood tiles you'll have more luck with buying the the other stuff. Dirty pots and pans may depend on the graphic for what they will go for, usually 25-40 I'd think.

If you're going for evil stuff, bloody bowls are nice, as are bloody bandages. The bowls sell for less than other server births because their graphic was duplicated by the stealable variety when they opened doom.


-Old school blood tiles - Depending on the grapihc they generally range from about 2-5m, but the rarer the graphics the more expensive they are, with wall tiles ranging upwards into the 60-80m range

-Skull mug - Like Sarmsi said these come up for sale time and again, I personally wouldn't pay more than about 10-15m.

-Haunted chest - I believe one sold recently for 100m, but it was done in order to scam someone by stealthing in their house and stealing it when they attempted to lock it down


haunted chest sold last may

I didn't realize it was that long ago. But anyways, I believe he got what he asked for it.

I didn't think that they were asking about blood tiles other than the ones you can(could?) pick up from evil mage camps. I really don't see those suckers for sale, except the highly duped wall blood tile from last year. Actually I haven't seen that one for sale in a while either. Or any of the duped stuff that was so popular on random vendors...weird.


I'm pretty sure the chest only went for 100m in order to convince someone to buy it quickly in order to scam them, as far as the blood tiles I was not aware that there was more than one variety of them...heh


No, that was a different chest. The one from the link was sold by my friend, who bought it for 100m, he wouldn't have resold at what he paid for it as it was an investment to see if he could get more money for it.


The chest I'm thinking of might have been a different item but im pretty sure it was a haunted chest, that was sold within the past month or so, and the individual who bought it for 100m had it stolen from him shortly after he purchased it when he tried to lock it down.


Yeah, but the 100 mill to sell a haunted chest can be disregarded since it was all a ploy to scam someone - scammers often offer things lower than their value in order to entice people to put greed before common sense. I'd at least say a haunted chest was worth 150m (averaging numbers is fun


heh I agree that 100m would be to cheap! I'm not sure 150 would even be enough based on how difficult it could be to obtain one, but b/c averaging is so much fun as you point out I'll roll with it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the reply guys. I am going for the evil stuff ;P, and I forgot to add the bloody bandage to the list...well, I guess I thought that would be more expensive. I'm dissapointed about the Haunted Chest, no way I could afford that =/. I didn't think they they were THAT rare because at one museum (can't remember the name, but I think it was on Baja) someone had like A LOT of these chests, in a lot of colors too.

I do remember that blood splatter wall tile, very cool graphic. So that was something thats been duped heavily? =/ Ugh, how do you know what items have been duped? Or is it pretty much every really rare server birth/event item? =(


The museum on Baja was most likely Manticore's "Around the World Museum" if it was located out the East exit of Umbra.

As to which items have been duped, its impossible to tell with certainty that anything has been duped, but there are a number of items that exist in limited quantities appeared on vendors on every shard last year, and would often be instantly replaced when sold.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fast reply DVI hehe. I guess I didn't really pay attention to vendors last year, too busy trying to build a char. I do however remember seeing those splatter tiles. I didn't really know about this duping craze till earlier this year when I started reading a lot of posts.

Off the top of your head, which rares out there would you say have been heavily duped?


It might be easier to tell you which havent been duped, but when you really put it into perspective many dupes have either been banned or disseminated across different shards to the point that their price is not drastically affected. Yes the value of some items has dropped, but if you like an item for its appearance, its name, its mods etc the fact that at some point in the past it was duped should not really stop you from purchasing it. Especially since so many items have been duped, if we all only collected those items believed to have not been touched by duping then we'ld all have very very small museums.


I think just about every server birth and a lot of event items have been duped. It doesn't mean they aren't worth saving up for, but it's good to know what has recently been duped so you can properly assess their lowered value in that context. The spattered wall blood, large vase, music stand, carved wall, two story statues from covetous, marble table...I'm sure I'm forgetting some. A lot of this stuff was on different shards on different vendors last year. It hurts the value, but never really reduces the item to nothing.

It's good to read the boards and check luna vendors regularly to stay informed. You can also visit less reputable sites to try and keep abreast of current scams/exploits/dupes, tho I haven't done that in a long time since I find pretty much all the information I'm interested in trickles down through stratics.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the replies Sarsmi and DVI. It is unfortunate about all those dupes, and it does burn me, but I won't let it stop me from collecting once I get some gold going.

Gotta start somewhere, still in the market for:

A set of oldschool blood tiles, skull mug, and a bloody bandage (depending on price).


Haunted chest actual sale was 200 mil not the scam ones that appeard on the board. The 200 mil sale was the last actual sale and occured 2-3 months ago. I paid psychotik 220 or 250 for her purple fusia one about a year ago. There are total of 19 or so chests that exist. I own 12 of them so 7 are in circulation. well Orc has one so make that 6 in circulation. The scamming blue one is one of these 6.


Yes Sars, I got my asking price of 200m for that chest, and it sold rather quickly. They're hard to come by and go quick when there's one up for grabs.