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Looking to buy bulk potions (in bottles)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am looking to buy

10,000 greater heal
10,000 greater cure
10,000 total refresh
5,000 greater agility
5,000 greater strength

I would also like to buy enchanted apples (around 1,000 - 5,000)
Bola's would also be something I am interested in.

Please get back to me on ICQ 108151443 with a price list if anyone is interested in filling this order, thank you.

Lord Drakelord

I do all my potions in kegs sorry. Potion vendor at Drake's island.

I do sell apples at the THB tower and also Drake's island, there may be close to 100 at each location, also bola's, one or two at THB and five or six at the island. I try to keep them stocked, and when I notice they need more I restock asap. THB tower is right across from the Yew GY [Tram], rune to Drake's island is inside on the floor. At Drake's there is also low level dart traps on the same vendor


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
this should probablly be in the west coast trade buy/sell forum, no?

Lord Sir Scott

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this should probablly be in the west coast trade buy/sell forum, no?
No because it is 1 Sonoma Related. 2 No one ever reads that one. 3 We on sonoma have so few people floating around here that we need these requests to be able to be found by people on our shard that might be intersted in doing this for the guy...


I don't understand. Why wouldn't you want the potions in kegs, and fill the bottles as required? Am I missing something?

There's a buy/sell/trade forum?

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand. Why wouldn't you want the potions in kegs, and fill the bottles as required? Am I missing something?

There's a buy/sell/trade forum?
Convenience and it takes up alot less storage space. By the quanities and types requested I am assuming that this man PvPs. I personalyl when I stock up for PvP will leave house with no less than 15 GH, 15 GC, 25 Refresh, 10 Gstr, 10 GAgil, 4 Conflags, 10 GExp Pots, and 10 Apples. Thats on my dexer mind you, but pushing damn near a keg of pots every time I leave house. Quicker ot just grab amoun tyou need v spending 1.5 minutes clicking kegs. Then the amount of lockdowns saved is just great!!!