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Looking to buy a greater dragon

  • Thread starter Cyclone of Napa
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Cyclone of Napa

If anybody is willing to sell a greater dragon please respond with price. I am giving up on taming one myself. Stats would be good for high dollar quotes. Thanks


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If anybody is willing to sell a greater dragon please respond with price. I am giving up on taming one myself. Stats would be good for high dollar quotes. Thanks
oh goodness, well, if you work up honor, then honor yourself when you tame it, nothing will attack you.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cyclone, if you're still looking for a greater dragon PM me. I'll be on tonight at about 5:00 Pac time. I'll dust off my tamer and get you one.


Oh the price would be 0.00 ;)

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ooops the wife just informed me that we're going to dinner with her sister. i won't be home till about 7:30 pac time.

five oclock

So in other words....

You are having dinner with a greater dragon???

Sorry had to say that :D if ya knew some of my sister in laws. Love em all tho