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[Buying] Looking to buy a Fel Magincia Plot


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would be willing to make (and Imbue) some nice pieces of Armor and trade for a Magencia, Fel plot. The following is an example of one of my:
Necro Mage pieces and My Twinkling Scimitar: My Sampire Piece:
MR 2 Mage Weapon -20 Stam Increase 8
LMC 7 SC (no Minus) MR 2
LRC 20 DCI 20 LMC 6
PR 19 DI 7 PR 12
FR 22 FR 22
CR 11 CR 11
PoiR 9 PoiR 20
ER 13 ER 11

All Durability is put to 255

We can meet in game and I will show you each of my characters setup: Necro/Mage (100% LRC), Dexer (Archer), Sampire (made with Leather) and My Tamer's Luck Suit (each piece is 140 Luck and MR2 and total of 100% LRC).

ICQ 312-794-548 me your price or if interested in Trading for some Really nice Armor. thanks. Spanky