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Looking to Ally with Guild


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone,
UGK is looking to ally with an active guild that does a little bit of everything on Baja. Some may know me from a couple of years ago, but UG.K/UGK have pretty much been depleted since my departure a few years ago. I currently do not have the time to rebuild the guild to what it once was but also do not want to loose my guilds title or leave the guild I worked so hard on a few years back. I am not looking to recruit any new members or grow UGK at this time besides a few close personal friends that I will be putting in the guild as they get their accounts back. If anyone is interested in letting UGK members tag along with you on some hunts and such please let me know. You can reach me at ICQ # 604993690, email me at [email protected], or Skype @ TazzUGK

Thanks everyone!

Valek Typhoon

If you've gotten High Sea's you'd be welcome to tag along on the fishing hunts and killing of merch.... er ... stray ships floating in the ocean.