I have a few items on SP , mostly older stuff. I have it posted but here is the list to make it easier for you.
Seige : AoS Sandals from Another UO Newb blaze & Abe bright blue
AoS Rose from Pk Noob
AoS Robe from Drakor bright blue
Mini House Deeds - Field stone , Wooden House , Small Brick, & Stone Workshop
A Decorative Personal Bless Deed - I have no clue what it is ??
Snowy Scene of Wind
Gift Box - Holiday wreath , poinsettia , snowflake and snowman from Comforl
6th Anniversary Bag , cake , wand , and bell from Aardvark
Light Blue Status of Mariah
also have these couple items non gifts
Seige : DC Broadsword : Crafted by Roycroft - 20% Durability - HCI 2% - 20% DI
Decorative Personal Bless Deed - I have no clue what it is or where it came from ??
I know they're older than what most people have, sorry just coming back after 7yr break. I play LA , but am going to be x-fering items & chars off of Cats & Origin as well. Won't be hard to figure something out trade wise. Thank you for your time.