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Looking for the following Colored Armor pieces. Doom, Ice, Enchanted Origin and Kotl


Discord - Hyprosick#8409 -friend request me to get through.

  • Plate Helm
  • Gorget
  • Plate Arms
  • Plat Legs
  • Broadsword
  • Order Shield
  • All Bone Pieces
  • Chaos Shield
  • War Mace
Enchanted Origin
  • Bone Helm
  • Chaos Shield
  • Broadsword
  • War Mace
  • Plate suit
  • Bone suit
  • Order Shield
  • Broadsword
  • Plate Helm
  • War Mace
  • Chaos Shield
Coal Suit from late 90s Xmas Coal
  • Plate suit
  • Broadsword (don't remember if these were craft able with this or not)
  • Order Shield (don't remember if these were craft able with this or not)
Phoenix Armor
  • Hey why not, probable cant afford this now but lets talk.
Lake Superior Shard Bound - Ice
  • Chaos Shield
  • Broadsword
  • War Mace
Lake Superior Shard Bound -Undead Kin
  • Bone Suit
  • Chaos Shield
  • War Mace
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have Doom Bone and almost all Doom Plate available on Atlantic


Looking for Female Plate of Doom; Plate Legs of Kotl; Plate Helm of Kotl; Halberd of Kotl
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