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Looking for some old friends... (Midori/Velandra, Mistique)



Hello kiddies

I used to play as the dashing archer Nightshade, and also as the debonair Antonio Banderas. Was wondering if my old friends Midori Ommoto/ Velandra and Mistique are around. You both had major crushes on me, in case you have forgotten. Anyhow, I am back again, and knew you would be thrilled to hear the good news. It would be fun to let you follow me around again, pining for my attention. Err, ya.

Anyway, if you're still around, and I think you are, dont be shy and say hi. Would be fun to talk to you again.

I'm playing as Malthus now, and have another toon called Missionary (spreading the gospel one doorstep at a time). Hope to run into ya.

Loves and Kisses,


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For real, you left without a word! We were so hurt! But I'll forgive you, okay? I don't know about Midori...
:heart: Mistique [ Now known as Cookie Monster]



Gone without a trace... *sniffle*

When your measley little hovel fell it was truly a sad day..

And that you have never logged onto icq since downloading it.. a travesty!


Welcome back... let the hair pulling resume :p


As for quick leavings with no traces, all I can say is that sometimes, real life is a harsh mistress (A mistress who is now tamed). Mend your hearts for all is well, and I promise to never leave you in such a mysterous manner again.

*Waves arms in the air mysterously*

Allow me to prove my devotion once more, and you shall not be disappointed.

We should celebrate our reunion with a picnic in game, or some other such festivity. I am the proud new owner of the 'Prison Industrial Complex', outside Umbra, on the way to Miasma and her fat cow friends. It is safe to visit, our inmates are properly restrained at all times. No bondage games or S&M stuff at all *squinty eyes*

My heart is full to hear you both are well. Oh, and befor I forget...

*Pulls Midori's hair*


As for quick leavings with no traces, all I can say is that sometimes, real life is a harsh mistress (A mistress who is now tamed). Mend your hearts for all is well, and I promise to never leave you in such a mysterous manner again.

*Waves arms in the air mysterously*

Allow me to prove my devotion once more, and you shall not be dissapointed.

We should celebrate our reunion with a picnic in game, or some other such festivity. I am the proud new owner of the 'Prison Industrial Complex', outside Umbra, on the way to Miasma and her fat cow friends. It is safe to visit, our inmates are properly restrained at all times. No bondage games or S&M stuff at all *squinty eyes*

My heart is full to hear you both are well. Oh, and befor I forget...

*Pulls Midori's hair*
I said something similar when I left too. Can't remember the exact words I used but it was something like:

Things come up unexpectedly. Thats why we call them 'things', because if we were expecting them, we would have given them a propper name.. Like.. Bill, or Jeff. . .


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, you've always had such a way with words. :heart:
If you're in General chat, I'm sure I'll see you there. I'll attempt to find your house, though, and I'll leave you a rune to my own. Oh, and you HAVE ICQ you know, so you should turn it on! Or make a new one, because I say so.


Oh, you've always had such a way with words. :heart:
If you're in General chat, I'm sure I'll see you there. I'll attempt to find your house, though, and I'll leave you a rune to my own. Oh, and you HAVE ICQ you know, so you should turn it on! Or make a new one, because I say so.



I got your message- what are these new fangled 'mailboxes' that you speek of and how do I acquire one (a pox on technology)!?! I hope the fellons at 'super jail' were well behaved (Im changing its name from 'Prison Industrial Complex' to rep for all the adult swim fans out there).

Lols- Where are you? Quit playing hard to get. I'm the one who toys with others emotions!

SUPR- That pic wins! *yoink* You sir, are a tallented individual. Who must I sell my UO soul to for one of those sexy 'name art' pics I see in your sig?


Lols- Where are you? Quit playing hard to get. I'm the one who toys with others emotions!
lol - I'm around.. I'm usually only on late at night. Mistique said she saw you in game earlier today, but alas, I wasn't logged in :(



I got your message- what are these new fangled 'mailboxes' that you speek of and how do I acquire one (a pox on technology)!?! I hope the fellons at 'super jail' were well behaved (Im changing its name from 'Prison Industrial Complex' to rep for all the adult swim fans out there).

Lols- Where are you? Quit playing hard to get. I'm the one who toys with others emotions!

SUPR- That pic wins! *yoink* You sir, are a tallented individual. Who must I sell my UO soul to for one of those sexy 'name art' pics I see in your sig?
If you read the privacy policy/terms of use when you registered with stratics, you should have noticed in the fine print that your soul now belongs to Electronic Arts. :popcorn: Anyways, yeah, I love making these things. I generally just sortof get a feel for who you are via the posts you make.. i.e. music thread, etc. Give it enough time, and I'll kick one out for you. Most folks are happy with what I come up with.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Blah blah blah, I have a mailbox for you. I've give it to you the next time I see you, all right?
And, I'm so glad everyone uses my real name for everything, in game, on the forums... I think I'm the only person in game that this happens to. Lol


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had people use my name in gen chat several times before, and it wasn't only you... like 5 other people. It's weird!