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Looking for S0N!? (I think) Or Guildmate of "Kenji"


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looted a bunch of soulstones and I don't really feel like storing them. So I'm looking for "Quick-HandsClary", "Kenji", "PvM FTW", or "DeathMage". I also have some of their faction gear and faction gear for other chars "Ichiro Suzuki" and "Sara Lee".

If no one pipes up I'll probably take Hag up on the offer of storing the items..



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are all playing Wow these days one of Caspers houses fell as well. I never offered to store his soulstones however and could not even begin to suggest to you who to entrust them to.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I should probably ICQ this to you but I'll take 'em and make sure they are safe. I still have alchemisty's stones, haha.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you good sir.. Players always come back to UO, its the pixel crack addiction! I try to keep most of my stones in a bank box incase the real world sucks me out of the game for too long.