Hello Again! PGoH is currently looking for house owners Red Scorpian and Jamie Macabre, who own the Den of Scorpians Large Tower in Olympus and an undeveloped customizable plot named Last Chance for Gas near Trinsic.
Please help us get in contact with these homeowners, and there is a finders fee involved for those who help us get to a happy conclusion of this business where we wish to purchase these houses for quite a bit of money, so please if you have any information on either of these people, contact me on icq at 431702770. Thank you!
Please help us get in contact with these homeowners, and there is a finders fee involved for those who help us get to a happy conclusion of this business where we wish to purchase these houses for quite a bit of money, so please if you have any information on either of these people, contact me on icq at 431702770. Thank you!