Greetings ,
My name is Ac Tanelorn and i came back after a long journey to this amazing world . I was here already for some years starting at 1998 and had a great time and meet some good friends . But after some happy years i left the world , and as i returned all of my friends were gone now . So i had an idea but to realize it i need your help ......
I loved it in the old days to travel around the world , look at all the houses and read the player written books about gone friends , a well known guild that disbanded or other interesting stories . And there were alot of these book around in the past . As i returned and walked around looked at the places where my friends houses were and also for such books to read .I saw that there are not alot of these books around anymore . Eventually others like also to read about stories of gone times friends and glory - so i had the idea to make an public Library , the 'Hall of remember' where i place all books i can find for everyone who wanna take a break and read them . Before they all are lost ......
So i would ask you if you could spend me such an book (or a copy) if you have one . Then i could place it in my public house and all players can step in read & remeber . So we could keep good friends in our minds and they wont be forgotten . If you like and support my idea also please write an answer here or on my bulletin borad at the house . It is south of Trinsic moongate ( not far) ,and is named : The timeless Rose (The owner is Ac Tanelorn)
It would be great when i could fill the House with alot interesting books .
Thank you for reading
Ac Tanelorn
My name is Ac Tanelorn and i came back after a long journey to this amazing world . I was here already for some years starting at 1998 and had a great time and meet some good friends . But after some happy years i left the world , and as i returned all of my friends were gone now . So i had an idea but to realize it i need your help ......
I loved it in the old days to travel around the world , look at all the houses and read the player written books about gone friends , a well known guild that disbanded or other interesting stories . And there were alot of these book around in the past . As i returned and walked around looked at the places where my friends houses were and also for such books to read .I saw that there are not alot of these books around anymore . Eventually others like also to read about stories of gone times friends and glory - so i had the idea to make an public Library , the 'Hall of remember' where i place all books i can find for everyone who wanna take a break and read them . Before they all are lost ......
So i would ask you if you could spend me such an book (or a copy) if you have one . Then i could place it in my public house and all players can step in read & remeber . So we could keep good friends in our minds and they wont be forgotten . If you like and support my idea also please write an answer here or on my bulletin borad at the house . It is south of Trinsic moongate ( not far) ,and is named : The timeless Rose (The owner is Ac Tanelorn)
It would be great when i could fill the House with alot interesting books .
Thank you for reading
Ac Tanelorn