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Looking for people to play with


Stratics Veteran

I played UO from launch and for many years beyond. Quit and came back a couple of years ago, but no one I knew still played. I didn't understand the new game play, what was different, how to play with the changes that were made. And I couldn't get any help or explanations except for a few tips given to me at the bank.

So I am interested in re-activating again, but I am looking for someone, some group, some guidance.

Is there anyone out there that can show me the new ropes, what to do and what not to do? Where to go where not to go?

Thank you.

Daga Taga

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What time do you play? The Community Hunts would be a good way to get some help. I'd be willing to help you out if I'm on at the same time.


Stratics Veteran
Usually later in the evening... central time. After the kids are in bed. I will investigate these Community Hunts.

Daga Taga

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm usually on in the evenings and try to go to the Community Hunts a lot. Hope to see you there. Just let me know if you need anything.