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Looking for old friends

  • Thread starter Harbringer
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Hey, just got a wild hair the other day to try and look up my old UO buddies. Glad to find its still around. Character was Harbringer (poor adolescent spelling). I was a member of OoB (Order of Balance) and ESF (Earth Serpent's Fang). Any of those people still kicking around here, or anybody know what may have become of them? Thanks.



Hey man, how you keeping? I remember when you came on board, way back when. Still in touch with any of the old gang? Thomas, Marcus, or anyone?

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, not really..I know someone who sometimes talks to Boz, Kaleb is still around sometimes, and I'm pretty sure Melly still plays sometimes or it could be YYZ on his account.