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[Discussion] Looking for link


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm looking for a link to actual pictures of rare items OR explanations of how to tell the difference between a "rare broken chair" and a normal broken chair, other items, server birth items, scattered hay, etc etc.

Looking for prices for old named vendor 90 stone deeds, old guild deeds, old named guild deeds as well. I would also like to find a link of list of collectable Xmas items and other holiday stuff.

I managed to snag tons of loot this last week and am fixing to toss a lot of stuff for points. Items are scattered between L.A. and Atl shards.

This is just a very,very small sample of what I was able to loot http://vboards.stratics.com/2077849-post70.html

"IF" anyone actually replies with useful info I would be quite thankful! =)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you! I have already read the info there. As an ex: I'm still confused as how to tell the difference between why one broken chair will sell for millions and another chair that looks the same only would sell for less than 100k. I looted a box labeled "Rares" but between all the stuff laying around the house and inside the box they all look the same to me.

I've tried asking questions here before but all I ever really received informative were a few replies and a whole lot of arrogant replies. I want an education :scholar: on these rares, not an e-peen fest. =) Newb gotta start somewhere, correct?


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend
Sometimes the only difference in a daily rare worth 100k and a server birth is the weight. The graphic may be EXACTLY the same.

Others times, it's the way the item may lay.
I. E. the direction it faces.

It is very complicated and unfortunately many here want the general public to remain ignorant so they can buy the items on the cheap and then post them on here for multi-millions.

I'd be happy to make a sticky but my knowledge is very limited. One of the server birth collectors would be best (I only did EM items) but these guys usually don't want to share...

My suggestion: find one of these guy's museum and write down the things you see.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you Kylie and Slickjack for being straight forward and polite! I shall take your advice and go visit some museums. =) If worse comes to worst I'll just mule the stuff in one of the house holder character's bank boxes and no-one will have them except me!!!

I do have some rubble of necro reagents on one of the accounts somewhere from the Magencia invasion. Do either of you or any other polite person have an idea if these would be worth selling? I just placed a home on Atl and need start up funds? :eek:

Reagent rubble.jpg

Thank you two very much =)


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
I'm not by far a rare's person lol but I do browse these forums quite a bit.

I do know the difference between the *normal* broken chair and the ultra rare one..if you look at the seat part of the chair...there's a picture on here somewhere...



Ok look at the seat part of the chair..you see how one has a hole in it and the other does not?

That, besides the weight, is the only difference I can see.

I would also like to see more extensive information about the rares/semi rares etc. I got a Light from an IDOC and I know that..well I think I know! That they came from Khaldun...but I don't know anything more then that. Where were they? Why did they spawn, why were they able to be picked up..things like that. Same with Fur...I know it's rare...but why? How were they gotten...etc.

I know Manti has a HUGE list and it's amazing and alot of work...but I like to know the stories behind the items too :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Holy **** Arrgh! you did great with the IDOCS :) Are all those tokens the decent tokens too?

Congratulations man :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not by far a rare's person lol but I do browse these forums quite a bit.

I do know the difference between the *normal* broken chair and the ultra rare one..if you look at the seat part of the chair...there's a picture on here somewhere...



Ok look at the seat part of the chair..you see how one has a hole in it and the other does not?

That, besides the weight, is the only difference I can see.

I would also like to see more extensive information about the rares/semi rares etc. I got a Light from an IDOC and I know that..well I think I know! That they came from Khaldun...but I don't know anything more then that. Where were they? Why did they spawn, why were they able to be picked up..things like that. Same with Fur...I know it's rare...but why? How were they gotten...etc.

I know Manti has a HUGE list and it's amazing and alot of work...but I like to know the stories behind the items too :)
I had seen that you had found an uncommon Light, there's got to be some history behind that somewhere I bet! Congratulations! =)) Oh and thank you for the link. I really wish there was more specific information regarding rares. I've been turning in a lot of stuff tonight for points but have been saving questionable items.

Escaflowne ~ I found only 3 xfer tokens but I have plenty of the rest it looks like. Gender, name, race, legacy, advanced, etc plus 59 of the green tokens (can't rem name of them). They'll come in handy since I moved servers at least.

Thank you both for the polite replies and the link Larisa! =)