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[Discussion] Looking for information on a pinkish hellhound



this has been stabled since the person went offline in 05, so its pretty old. it is a pink hue not a red one. anyone have any info on this, ill post a pic when i can


I'm pretty sure you can still tame those. There a little harder to spawn, But if you just sit there and kill off the red ones your all set! I could be wrong though =/


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, Hellcats still spawn in pink and bright red colours, like one in every 50 or something. These are known as hellcat leaders but are no different to normal hellcats unfortunately.

There also used to be hell hound leaders that spawned which had higher stats, a brighter hue and that took 2 slots i beleive. However they no longer spawn.

Normal Hell Hound:

Hellhound Leader under extinct creatures: