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Looking for information about Tamer Bob

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was given by a Pac player the character statue of "Tamer Bob" for safe keeping on Atlantic. He got it at an IDOC. I remember Tamer Bob from my days on Pacific, but unfortunately never knew the player personally. Rumor has it that they passed away in real life.

I am already holding a few Pacific items, but I have spoken with Nabin. He is redesigning his castle and will be giving the statue a place in it to honor it after I move it back to Pacific. He will be locking down a book as well, so I am trying to gather any memories or information to put with the statue. I'd also love to include some quotes from those who played with him if they are still around.

If you have anything to share, please post it or PM it to me. If you don't have access to the forums, you can ICQ me, but I'd prefer via the forum so the information doesn't get lost. Thanks in advance and thank you Nabin for helping keep Pac memories alive. :heart:

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, can help you with Tamer Bob, but I was wondering when you will come back to Pacific and set up the PTC again =). I loved that place.

You sold my crafter his Pendant of the Magi recipie years ago.. And ive prolly crafted 250+ since then hehe.

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
I remember Tamer Bob and i too wonder what happend to him...

On the other Hand yeah, Assia, let us now about your plans to return to your home shard:)

But beware, since i moved a char to Atlantic yesterday i am also covering Atlantic now besides Pacific and Europa - i even was able to place a 7x8 at Minoc Fel gate lol

So be sureyou cant hide ;)

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As tempting as it would be to my heart to rekindle PTC... truth be told it was the awesome core members of PTC who deserve the credit. PTC would be a poor shadow of a mall without them at its side.:heart:

Still looking for information on this player to put in a book by his statue. If anyone playing Pacific could please take 30 seconds and pass along word of this thread to their ICQ list I would greatly appreciate it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The legendary Tamer Bob left the Pacific shard long ago. Shortly after that he talked of trying out another game, quit UO, and seemingly disappeared.

About two years later a player made a tribute character to Tamer Bob and I'm guessing that this is where the statue came from.

But tribute statue or not, it's an important piece of the Pacific shard's lore.

Thank you Assia for saving it for us. Our neck of the Windemere Wood hasn't been the same since you left.

And thank you especially Nabin. You are the best Pacific has.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember my first vendor ever was at PTC! And how cool it was to be there for craft nights! Sure wish there was something like that still going on :) *psst Assia, I am going to buy all your roses at rares fest*