The gump that comes up is fairly self-explanatory. Probably the thing that is least obvious about the existing arenas is that you can use them to fight someone in Trammel who is not a member of the same guild or alliance. You cannot currently place bets on duel results and I think the only rewards available at this point are a special Overhead Name title you can display, if you wish. I think there have been some hints at pet arenas coming soon, but all I've seen about those is a thread on the Baja forum and a few oblique references made in chat or somewhere here in UHall, nothing official at all.
If you decide to host a duel at one of the arenas, these are the options you can select:
- Maximum entry (minimum of 2, maximum of 10)
- Room type (public or private)
- Battle mode (survival or team)
- Whether or not the battle will be ranked (i.e., whether the results will be included in the rankings available by clicking on the arena stone)
- Time limit for the duel (minimum 5 minutes, maximum 30 minutes)
- Entry fee (0, 1000, 5000, 10,000, 25,000, or 50,000 gold)
- Pet slots (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
- Whether or not riding or flying is permitted
- Whether or not you can use ranged weapons
- Whether or not you can use summoning spells
- Whether or not you can use field spells
- Potion use (none, no healing, or all OK)
Once you set up a duel, you use the stone to invite other characters to join it, up to the maximum allowed for the duel.
You can also use the arena stone to click on the "Join Duel" option to see if there is a duel you can join or see if there are any booked duels. There's also an option when you check the stone to check arena rankings, which I suspect is for the entire shard's arena system, not just for a specific arena, but I'm not 100% sure of this. You can also use the arena stone to select whether or not your character will ignore duel invitations.
I think that once you're in the arena in a duel, you can elect to leave by clicking on one of the shields hanging on the walls. Also, if you die, your corpse is ejected to the outside of the arena. I'm not sure if anyone else can loot it if you are in Felucca.