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looking for imbuer


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
greetings LS
this is UncleSham from siege perilous.

i have chosen your fine shard as a new vacation spot .

my nefus want to play uo with me . due to the fact that they are 7 and 10 years old, i dont feel siege is a good place for them . i have a small house here grandfathered in from many years ago . (my daughter played here in 2001)

my daughter no longer plays uo , so i figured id set the boys up here.

i have created some new characters and am enjoying running amuck with my 32 magery and a cheap lrc suit . ( i am the summoner of ham and the slayer of small furry creatures.):party:
the boys have chosen to build an archer and a tamer . while i have no trouble teaching them the skills , i am having a bit of trouble outfitting them .

all my stuff on this shard is as old as the grandfathered house . double exceptional suits and weapons with things like 15 charges of protection . while these items might be interresting to collectors, i cant exactly use them for playing.

so ... i need someone with legendary tailor and imbuing . i would like to buy a number of spined kits and some barbed leather. ill need someone to burn the kits and then imbue some workable suits for the kids .

oh yes , a gm fletcher . ill need someone to make a couple bows as well.

i have many items aquired over the years as my old characters collect holiday gifts . i have soulstone fragment boxes , stuffy boxes , 6th year bags (bells) , 5th year cakes , snowmen and candle boxes , chrystal / shadow boxes , stockings, valentines , some '09 boxes and many newbie blessed items . i didnt get any 12th boxes as i thought they stunk and didnt bother collecting them.

i sold a couple soulstone frags at 500k each to get start up funds , but weve piddled that away very fast . so i must sell more rares . i may set up a seperate auction thread for these , or i can offer some of them as trade for the leather , kits and of course , services rendered. :thumbup1:

i wont promise to move here or anything . i like my peril very much thank you , but the kids will enjoy playing here much better i think .
if you have a crafter or know a good one , help hook my boys up please .

icq 434 381 629
(i do have ventrillo set up if you have access to a channel and you'd like to talk)

somebody buy some rares . i got holiday timepieces and i might even part with a practice weapon bow *winks*.

sorry for the long post . thanks for reading.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome to the shard. I can help you get on your feet, here, to show the same warm welcome that SP provides.

Drop me a PM or ICQ (though i seldom have it on) with what you need.

Stayin Alive,



UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome to the shard !! I have legendary smith,tailor,imbuer and gm bow crafter and also can help you out! just pm me with what you need and i will be glad to help also!

Again welcome (back) to ls to you and the boys!