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Looking for help


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi all. Just returned to UO a month or so ago and am getting adjusted to all the new aspects. I have been trying, without any luck, to acquire a Greater Dragon. I was going to buy one but did not realize how expensive they are. Besides that is no fun anyway :)

So basically I am looking for someone to lend a hand !!!

I don't know tamers stats off hand but he should be high enough I know lore is at 115 and think taming is around 113 ?? Problem is my magery is only 68 and my bard skills (112 music and 109.5 peace) are not high enough to peace him.

Tamer's name is Perrin and I am on most nights if anyone cares to teach me how to land one of these beasts :)


Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Send me a PM and let me know what times you're generally on. I can help you get one if you haven't done so already.

Try area peacing instead of direct peace. It should work for you.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
send me an ICQ at 170294052 and mention PAS in the add request and I can see about helping you. I am off work Friday and Saturday and I can get you one if someone has not yet.

Miri of Sonoma

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you can make it, check out the KmR craft faire tonight (there is a post about it here). KmR has tamers and I am sure they would be happy to help you out.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you all for your replies !!

I am usually on most nights from 6 - 11 pm eastern time.
I fired you off an ICQ Mountaindew, any help would be appreciated. I have never really even crawled my way through a complete dungeon in UO, so I am hoping a GD will allow me to experience more of the game.

I missed the caraft faire last night :( I was on but was unaware it was happening. I need to pay attention more I guess :)

Thanks again all. Very excited thinking I may actually have one soon. Will be tought to let him sit in the stable for a week once I finally have one !!!!


Hrothy I still have you on my icq list, ill be home from work in a few hours. What time do you plan to be on? I have a spare GD which I think is kinda nice, im gonna take a 2nd look at its stats and see if I wanna keep it. If i dont ill give it to you, or we can go find you a new one.

I should be on your list as MostAmazingGuy


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks to everyone who rallied to offer support and assistance !! Sonoma is awesome. I am east coast but started on sonoma because of a brother that is in Cali and he was here. Glad I stayed here when I came back to UO.

JD and MoFo helped me get one Friday night !! Have not named him yet any suggestions ??? Am fighting the temptation to take him out before bonded lol..

Thanks again JD !!!!


Name him whatever you want :)

Fight that temptation - someone gave me a swamp dragon when i first started along with dragon barding, too nice of them (HELP guild). I took it out and it got killed. D'oh!

Lastly, make sure to do your rounds to the places I showed you and check for GD's daily. If you see a nice one let a tamer friend know and they can help you get an upgrade, though the one we found was pretty nice for not trying. It'll have mad skills when trained.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was away most of the weekend. Took the GD out yesterday for the first time. I am very happy with him. It is a little odd to be on foot, but nothing terrible !

I did ogre lords with him and then some WW's. I am working up the courage to finally try some harder things in game :)

I am looking at posts in regards to mini champ spawns and Doom etc ...... time for me to leave the saftey of my home and explore the world :)

Thanks again all !