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Looking for guild name ideas


Stratics Veteran

In the process of eventually holding auction on LS, I'm trying to find a guild name more related to UO.

Our guild live in Umbra. We're a bunch of RL friends.

My UO lore is limited lol but I do like name Polar Bear Society [PBS] for example.

So I'm asking to you to help me :)



Crazed Zealot
You can pick name relating to what you guys are doing most, type of encounters, PvP, Doom, Roof etc. PBS would not be too hot unless you guys do something with Polar Bears etc as role play etc.
I personally like the name Carolina Reapers (TM) or CR. This is a STRONG name. If you doubt it try one of these and you will see.
Dynomiiiiiite !! :devil:


I was forced to change my guild name Huge PvPnis, abbreviation 8==D

Ironically they let me keep the abbreviation.

I changed the name to hard and long shanks... when I got paged on again they made me change the name and abbreviation...

Not relevant to you, but sad times for me


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Umbra Underground Cooperative - UUC
Necromantic Auctioneers - NA
Umbralical Cord - UC
The Happy Necromancers - THN

Those take into account the place of your guild, what umbra is know for and what you plan to do. Think along those lines and you'll come up with somethink that fits your group. Generally speaking, think about what your guild does, what connects you, etc.

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Name it for what you intend to do and what the type of guild is. If you're not sure just do the simplest name that relates to what you do. For example you're starting an auction house so would "Auctioneers and Merchants of [insert facet name]" work?

There's already an LS guild called "Polar Bear Society," or at least there was in years past. They used to do Doom. They weren't named for lore, they just literally rode polar bears.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You might get some more interesting suggestions in Unleashed:stir: