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Looking for group PST !

RuSini Neb

Stratics Veteran
I have not been 'actively' active in uo for the past two years. I let my accounts subside and lost two keeps fully stocked and tons of other stuff.. Anywho I reactivated when times got better, and I have sense replaced about everything I have lost. During this time I have been sheepishly fixing characters , equipment sets etc.. etc.. What I failed to do was find a group of people to play with. So now When I do log in, Ultima gets fairly boring fairly quickly. I play generally between the hours of 5pm cst and midnightish cst life permitting of course. I am just looking for a group of people that play in the same time frame I do, that want to do t-hunting spawns fishing just whatever. I am game for it all ( all play styles ) .

On a side note, most of my characters are not done, I am still fixing most of their templates. The only real character I have totally done, as in I can take out to hunt right now and be some what effective is my tamer.
Also, I don't need 'help' so to speak with items or with getting these characters done, I am fairly capable of that my self. I am just trying to find people to actually play the game with. Instead of just going around soloing the peerless etc.. etc...