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Looking for Discord communities - PvP, taming, etc

Hello all. Returning player here. Looking for discord communities. They are far more active and reactive than the legacy forum system and more targeted than reddit. I have a few communities I am a part of, but I would like to expand my network.
Returning player, ATL, big time crafter, tamer, samp, and old school PvP (AoS - Samurai).
If you know of any discords or would like to invite me to one, please add or message Pantera7354. Particularly interested in modern PvP. I would like to catch up :)


Welcome back. Get ready for some surprices, pertaining to modern PVP. Dont get too quickly disappointed though, and lots of the gear in this gear-centric "specialty" can be obtained by regular playing, with patience and time. Crafting is sweet, there are very nice changes, and also tamer specialty is awesome to look into. Just remember if you have and old pets in stables they may be very valuable today, depending on what critter they are. (Be especially careful with Banes, White Wyrms, Nightmare legacy ones, and some Bakes). Leave questions here and you will get answers very quickly most of the time.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello all. Returning player here. Looking for discord communities. They are far more active and reactive than the legacy forum system and more targeted than reddit. I have a few communities I am a part of, but I would like to expand my network.
Returning player, ATL, big time crafter, tamer, samp, and old school PvP (AoS - Samurai).
If you know of any discords or would like to invite me to one, please add or message Pantera7354. Particularly interested in modern PvP. I would like to catch up :)
I too looked for some decent Discords and gave up pretty quickly. If it isnt about Outlands, there isnt much out there imo. Or Im just not good enough at navigating Discord to find any quality servers.

If you have found some, let me know!