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Looking for a player named Roxxor


Kat SP

You killed a guildmate of mine that was carrying a number of items intended to be used in the Aeric Horn Memorial building. If you are willing, I'd be interested in buying those items back. PM or ICQ @ 220-571-153 please.


Saw im runing yesterday in Luna area if i see im i will try to tell im


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thats cheapsuitcheapsuitcheapsuit!

Hes got the same color robes and such and talks fights like him...

Just guessing! But I think it may be him.

Ru Atl

when i did a char search on "roxxer" earlier, my first thought was that this char looked just like old cheapy...

Kat SP

Interesting... I said the same thing in vent earlier. His MO is to go after crafters and easy targets.. much like this guy is doing.


I sent him an icq asking if it was him and if so, would he return the stuff (I explained what it was for as far as I know)

He hasn't been on icq much lately and I thought he had quit again to be honest.