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Looking for a new pet like a CU

Whitewolf of *VK*

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use my Cu to kill pretty much anything, just getting kinda bored of always using my Cu, im looking for new pet that can pretty much hold its own against what ever I come against like my Cu does, what would you recommend?


Lore Master
I use my Cu to kill pretty much anything, just getting kinda bored of always using my Cu, im looking for new pet that can pretty much hold its own against what ever I come against like my Cu does, what would you recommend?
Lesser Hiryu's and Reptalon's are pretty good and lots of training options.

Whitewolf of *VK*

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lesser Hiryu's and Reptalon's are pretty good and lots of training options.
Hmm reptalon sounds fun, never been a big fan of the Hiryu, just don t like the way they look, what about these colored drakes a see people running around with?


Lore Master
Hmm reptalon sounds fun, never been a big fan of the Hiryu, just don t like the way they look, what about these colored drakes a see people running around with?
If you get a reptalon, make sure to get a 2 slot one. You can put AI/Chiv on it.

The elemental drakes are great if you use them against the right mob. Very easy to tame them and 100% elemental damage-I have all 4. Can't ride them though.

Also if you don't have one already, giant and fire beetles with rune corruption are great too.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Hmm reptalon sounds fun, never been a big fan of the Hiryu, just don t like the way they look, what about these colored drakes a see people running around with?
I know they kind of look like chickens but lessers are great pets! You can custom build them with lots of points, and they can handle just about anything. I love my bush/AI and chiv/AI hiryus.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
fire beetles, in my opinion, are the most underestimated pet.... mine will put most cu's to shame on the spawn and the boss.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Fire beetle, giant beetle, and ice mites are great.

Ice mites start with higher str, and hp.


Stratics Veteran
Even though I have a stable full of beautiful pets, 95% of the time, I’m either on a AI/Chiv lesser hiryu or a FWW/Goo Cu (spawns). I know a lot of people like matching pets with a targets’ resists, but very few, if any, pets outdamage my LH.


Stratics Veteran
They can be abit pricy as they no longer spawn..but if you get the chance try a bane dragon.When I'm not working skills on a pet or providing a debuff for the groups.. I'm rocking my caster bane on the boats or owning the lands with my chiv bane.. by far my favorite pet in the game... Once you go bane no pet is the same.. =^-~=