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[Buying] Looking for a gravestone for engraving...

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I am looking for one of the gravestones that can be engraved with the statue engraving tool for a private memorial. I believe this was added last spring and I know the gravestones come from a champ spawn, but in the interest of time I am looking to see if someone has one they would be willing to sell or if you can point me to a shop that my carrier such items.

I have a "gravestone" but when I try to engrave it I am told that I cannot and perhaps I would have better luck with a different gravestone. Is there a special name that denotes one that can be engraved? (Gravestone, Tombstone, Headstone...)

Thank ye


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Player Memorials

  • There are two ways to set up a player memorial, players can engrave 6 styles of headstones found at the prime evil liche encounter. These headstones can be engraved with the Statuette Engraving tool and locked down in your houses for a private memorial, or you can ask your EM to place a more public type memorial for your guild or shard to remember our friends that have passed away.
I believe that all headstones from the Prime Evil Liche encounter can be engraved, but not the ones that you get from EA's UO Shoppe or as rewards.

Now I have many headstones and would be willing to give you one, Schuyler that you can engrave. We can test them out at Vamp's Lair graveyard. ICQ me, hun!

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank ye Pandora. I had read through multiple instructions, but for whatever reason the gravestone I have must be from some other source.

After some discussion with my son we decided that engraving one of the small statues was more in line with what we wanted to achieve.

Thank you again for your offer.