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Buying Pet Looking for a Blaze Cu.

I would like to buy a blaze cu on Atlantic. I want an untrained 3 slot or one that started at a 3 slot and was trained up properly. If it's already a 5 slot, must have all 120 scrolls and no mistakes. Message me with what you have.
Icq # 657301315
I transferred here from PAC 3 months ago. I don't know many people here. I am friends with tamer bob, the great Gatsby, AR and slick Rick. I have a Luna house in the south east corner, the red house owned my me, Lumberjack pete. I am not some scammer.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I transferred here from PAC 3 months ago. I don't know many people here. I am friends with tamer bob, the great Gatsby, AR and slick Rick. I have a Luna house in the south east corner, the red house owned my me, Lumberjack pete. I am not some scammer.
I didn't say you were so!

Best of luck on Atlantic, pvp can be tough but there are some good guys around.

See you ingame!
