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Looking for 2 LUNA VENDOR Please.

  • Thread starter RavenWinterHawk
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Woops forgot the S

Spent 2 hours spamming for Luna vendor. No luck. I was hoping I could find someone here that has 2 luna vendors. Im starting back up on SONOMA for fun.

Thanks alot.



Dang Raven why did you spend 2 hours spamming in Luna Bank to people working off counts...

You know you could have found one within 3 minutes.. just cruise around Luna and click on house signs. The owners ICQs are on a few of em, just send em a message and get a vendor silly :)

I know of at least 3 houses on the north side offering vendor spots...


Dang Raven why did you spend 2 hours spamming in Luna Bank to people working off counts...

You know you could have found one within 3 minutes.. just cruise around Luna and click on house signs. The owners ICQs are on a few of em, just send em a message and get a vendor silly :)

I know of at least 3 houses on the north side offering vendor spots...
sadly icq down. I know. I know.
An 86er even took me to a house with icq #


takes some of them a while, try back in a day or two but dont spam - rl calls for some