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Long Ago In Felucca

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As I am Old as dirt ,I can remember many fun things from back in the day .There was a Thieves Guild in the days before Trammel. This guild was a Role playing Thieves Guild on Catskills with one twist .Besides their usual activities ,they chose to defend BearPoint from marauding Pkers.
They effectively stole their regs,potions ,runes and arms and whatever else they could,to put the pkers on the run .Often they would lose their lives but they got the job done ,more often than naught. I think ,it would take an exceptional group of players to run this kind of guild today .I also think it would be great fun.
I know ,with the kind of people in game these days ,it would be a challenge to say the least ,to find people of the caliber needed to pull it off .I would put a character in such a guild in a heartbeat.
Having said that .the charter of this guild would have to insure that griefers would be cast out quickly .Only true role players need apply .It certainly would take a strong role player to duck the kinds of people(lower class) we have on Catskills to pull it off.But then how many of those griefers actually might like to run in a guild , where they can use their imagination for something creative.
Once made ,charter written,it would be fun to" hire out".And perhaps it could branch off with assassin for hire also.
This game has many more avenues to explore than pvp smack talking or nonsense babble at the bank ,or worse filty lack of class chatter that you see now. All you need is a desire and imagination and personality.
Perhaps a New Magencia might be the place to start.I have a plot in Magencia that would make a great Guild House
Please keep this thread constructive or don't reply to it all


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love Roleplay, I don't have the best thief but I could make her better. Let me know if you get a large enough group to make this happen!

Elisa Catskills

If you were really expecting constructive conversations, you wouldn't have thrown in all those jabs at other players who don't happen to do the exact same things on UO that you do.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This was not intended to illicit any conversation about my opinions or for the way I judge people. Furthermore the thread was meant as an offer to the thieving community.
My comments and my opinions are just that . I was not looking for conversation with anyone .Some people have nothing better to do than stand at the the bank and utter nonsense followed by utter trash.
Some of what is said could be termed risqué but I consider it filth and so do other reasonable adults.
If it were not objectionable they would not have gotten bans ,would they?
Or threads locked.

Elisa Catskills

Why did you just say you weren't looking for an argument, then proceed to attempt to instigate an argument with me by bringing up subject matter that has nothing to do with your original post OR what I said?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why did you just say you weren't looking for an argument, then proceed to attempt to instigate an argument with me by bringing up subject matter that has nothing to do with your original post OR what I said?
It is you looking to start controversy here.As far as I am concerned there is no conversation warranted .My comments stand.I will not answer you again.
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