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lol uo



into the new age, when does it hit the wii fit:danceb: I'd have to stay PC, one leg working can't avoid balrons very well :cursing:

five oclock

Neither can I on the balrons..there are times I think I married one :p

Runs for cover...Big time!


yes hope wife never reads, forums, otherwise napa be abearshort come sat morn, wives often fail to find humor in husbands jokes usually when there's apicture showing what you spoke of never use the term battle troll when talking to friends of uo or you maybe told yea yea go to sleep soon, very sleepless night ahead

Salya Sin


My "husband" thought this thread was hilarious! But then he also claims any judge will let him off for anything he does to me... all he'd have to do is let said Judge taste my coffee... apparently I make really bad coffee...

Thanks for the laugh... I'm off to bully the hubby into making fresh coffee!

Richard Pryor

I was going to say there isn't much worse than bad coffee, but there is. To name a few:

  • Aids
  • Poverty
  • No coffee
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Cancer (all forms)
  • Stupidity

Salya Sin

I was going to say there isn't much worse than bad coffee, but there is. To name a few:

  • Aids
  • Poverty
  • No coffee
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Cancer (all forms)
  • Stupidity
add in Stale beer.
I can sooo agree... and Poverty should be at the top of that list as it can make any one of the others impossible to deal with.

"Shut up and drink it darling... you could have cancer!" Though he'd probably just tell me there has been some study somewhere stating that my coffee will give him all of the above sans Aids and stale beer.