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Locked down items in Castle Courtyards?



Is this something new or old? Items that are actually locked down
in castle courtyards.
Granted they are all rubble pieces that are locked down.

See pics below :)

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ive never seen that before.. but it should let me do that with my courtyard! :cursing:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't know how that is happening, it certainly won't let me lock down rubble in any of my courtyards. Some kind of bug or exploit?

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The alignment on the graphics for a lot of the rubble I have are way way off. Although I was unable to reproduce this instance I was able to get some pieces of rubble in some very unusual places.

I believe it is neither a bug or exploit.


Not sure how it is done...there are quite a few plants rocks etc locked down
there. I was hoping it was a new feature with the publish...but I keep getting
the message "You must be in your house". :(

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are seams in a alot of classic style housing that items can be dropped thru.

In a keep of mine I was stacking chests on the left wall nearest the wasted space, it popped in to the wasted space and I was able to lock it down there.

I later removed it by unlocking it and pulling up its Tab.

I never paged a gm on it but I have a mouse hole still stuck in the stairs of my keep.

Needless to say there are all kinds of annoying quirks to keeps and castle's.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I could see a piece or two with the grafix off, but there are 9 pieces. Some perfectly stacked on each other. Granted it looks nice how he/she has it, but I tried to do it in a friends & you get the msg "you must be in your house to do this" & you do not even get a curser. Try to lock it down from your steps you get the word to the effect you are not in your house or this item must be in your house to lock it down. It's got me stumped :D


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I was going to suggest that it might've been locked down in the castle upper floor and then raised higher, but then I noticed that the tree rubble seems to be behind the walls of the middle walls. Hmm, well it does seem wierd...


I belive this is in some way connected to goza mats and their placements

Lore Master

Is this Good Enough ??

That is so cool i hope it's legal to do i may not own a castle but i do own a keep. I am not an expert but perhaps those things in the court yard where really locked down inside the castle on the bottom floor and moved after while still locked down out side with an interior decorator tool just a guess optical illusion most likely if it is legal.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this was mentioned on the Homes & Castles forums a while back, and at the time was stated that the same rule that allowed the rubble to not decay during the Magencia event so that players could pick it up also allowed some items to remain when placed in the castle courtyard (I have no idea about other housing types) ~~ the pieces didn't need to be locked down, just placed, and do not decay

however, it was also stated that the pieces placed now will decay as normal, that it was only the ones placed during the event that are affected

had I only known......


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is so cool i hope it's legal to do i may not own a castle but i do own a keep. I am not an expert but perhaps those things in the court yard where really locked down inside the castle on the bottom floor and moved after while still locked down out side with an interior decorator tool just a guess optical illusion most likely if it is legal.

It's not an optical illusion, you can not walk thru them, they are locked down outside on the grass in the courtyard. I can not even get the Target to pop up in any courtyard. Also an illusion you would be able to walk thru them, these stop you dead in your tracks. In 9 yrs, I have seen many illusions on designs & where things are in reference to yourself how you are standing. These are there & yes they are cool. But how do you do it is how we are asking. Gaza's didn't work when we tried it.... So how Only the designer I guess knows for sure :scholar: .

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That must be Hon's Castle, I know he's ape over Rubble. ;)

Isn't there an old method of locking thing's down in the courtyard involving droping things on a locked down chest that can't hold any more items?

Something of that nature, I know it's more involved than that, but I remember there being a rather tricky method of getting things to lock down in area's that weren't meant to.


Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just looked at the Pic's a little closer, yep that's Hon's Castle, been a while since I've been there.

Gonna have to go visit his Castle, he's really out done himself this time!



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So a friend just got a castle and we were trying to figure out how some people have managed to put a ring of gozza's around their castle.

I figure this is an apropriate place to ask since this is dealing with the same sort of thing.

Looks cool but not sure how to get it to work.

Any idea's any hints?


May we know where this is (what shard) so we may go see for ourselves???
I've seen such an effect over on the Bloody Plains on Oceania. Never seen anything like it. Goza mats all around the place. I think it somehow involves a bug whereby goza mats do not decay with a house and the goza mats stay behind when the house falls.

Either that or someone has found a bug that allows people to place items on the foundation tiles that make up the walls of the Castles. I know that I've seen some weird effects where items dropped in some way that I don't have information on which resulted in an affected item appearing on the Castle's foundation. They could be locked down as well, which meant that it was directly tied to the Castle and as a result became part of the Castle's decoration.

Edit: I should add that a future publish will probably fix this bug, and that people using it for decoration might want to remove the items as they are being locked down in places they were never intended to be locked down in.

Cheers ...
