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(Player Event) Lobsterfest-July 28th 8:00pm

Jordan Thyme

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
*Posted at the Abbey and all public banks and taverns*


On the evening of July 28th at 8 bells past mid-day, yew will be hosting Lobsterfrest to commemorate the brand new docks! Every person in attendance will have their choice of Lobster, Crab, or Fish as their entree! Menu to be posted prior as well as available that evening. Contests in celebration are as follows!

  1. Ship naming: Yew is about to bolster their navy. The time has come to build up and out! to do this, ships need names!!! Please post ideas and entry's for new ship names in a corresponding flyer. The public will vote on one and Governor Gillian and Former Governor Aedon will choose a second. Each ship name chosen will receive 10 mil gold as generously brought in from Former Governor Aedon at the last Trinsic auction. All entries must be in by midnight the night of the 24th for votes to start.
  2. Seascape backpack art contest: Using food and food items ONLY, submit a backpack sea themed art scape again by midnight the 24th. And once again... two will be chosen. One voted on by the general public and one chosen by the former and current Governor. Both will be given a 10 million dollar prize as well.
Both contest results and prize awards will take place at Lobsterfest on the 28th.

For questions, comments, concerns and entries.. Please send pigeon to Gillian Gryphon 483-626-468

Jordan Thyme

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
In all the confusion with repairing Tokuno... I have gotten only one entry for the ship naming Contest. And thus this event will be cancelled. However, the sole entrant will receive the amount of prize in full. 20 Million will go to Lady Claudia Drusilla!!! the Newest ship and it's name, as well as the rest of the fleet will be debuted at another event this coming month.