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Mithryl Elves

Elves Suck
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Stratics Legend
Just got off the phone with Green Goblin and found out that he had another house and account that was banned some time ago. For whatever reasons the access list wasnt cleared? And on his other account i noticed a player was co-owned. There was quite a bit of good stuff in it that i was able to save BUT theres owner only chests that i wasnt able to get into. So after talking to him i find out those are the chests he kept his really good suit in and all of the great armor, weps and gold. Theres 6 chests that are full of items that i cannot see. The house is already being camped and by teh time it falls the account i can get on will be out of gametime and never reactivated so have at it.

The house is located right next to the Chaos shrine in Felucca LS. On the roof is the word "CUTE" guessing that was their guild name maybe.


Lore Master
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When you talk to him on the phone, do you call him "Green?" Or perhaps "Mr. Goblin?"

Mithryl Elves

Elves Suck
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol no but that reminded me of one time long ago when i was still at home living with parents. I got a call from Bounty and my dad answered. My dad didnt know what was going on and looked at me like "Are you Mith" the look he had on his face and the tone he had was like i was some sort of secret agent or something. He was totally lost.

Gar LS

HAHAH I met up with Ashen Shugar from Ignoble Order. He called my house one day and asked for Garreth when my girlfriend answered the phone. I had a lot of explaining to do... LOL that **** was so funny. That was like 9 years ago though but still funny.